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Hybrid Black Bass

by Steve Quinn   |  August 24th, 2012

Black-bass1.jpegBiologists recognize that hybridization between freshwater fish is more common than for any other type of vertebrate. Sunfish, including bluegills, redear, green sunfish, and pumpkinseed, readily hybridize, particularly in altered habitats, where spawning areas are limited, or when one species is introduced into waters where another species had solely existed. Some crosses have been recommended for stocking private waters.

Due to habitat alterations and widespread introduction of black bass species outside their native ranges, hybrid black bass are increasingly common. While anglers may find occasional catches of hybrids a curiosity, the loss of genetic adaptations honed over millions of years, which occurs with such genetic mixing, is not obvious; yet it represents a threat to the quality of bass fishing.

Meanmouth Bass: In the mid-1960s, Dr. William Childers and colleagues at the Illinois Natural History Survey began studies of centrarchid (sunfish family) hybrids. In the lab, they produced some oddballs—crosses of largemouth bass with warmouth, green sunfish, and bluegill. Crosses with crappie and rock bass failed.

The researchers noted that different black bass species didn’t hybridize when stocked in ponds with members of another species (i.e., all males of one species with all females of another). But fertilizing largemouth eggs with smallmouth sperm produced viable offspring that reproduced among themselves and with both parental species.

The term “meanmouth bass” was born when Childers observed a school of largemouth-smallmouths attacking a female swimmer. “The bass leaped from the water and struck her on the head and chest,” he wrote, “and drove her from the pond.” On another occasion, he watched meanmouths attack a dog that ventured into shallow water.

Though indications of hybrid vigor were evident in aggressiveness and fast growth, high mortality and low reproductive rates for the hybrids led to a halt of this investigation in the 1980s. Childers cautioned that backcrossing of hybrids with parental species would be harmful, since gene flow between the species would reduce the fitness of populations as maladaptive genes were introduced. Over 30 years ago, he urged caution in mixing bass subspecies and even geographically separated populations of fish of the same species.

In nearly all cases of hybridization outside the lab, smallmouth have been involved. Geneticist Dr. Dave Philipp, colleague of the late Dr. Childers, noted that fertilization of largemouth bass eggs with smallmouth sperm resulted in more successful crosses than the reciprocal cross (largemouth male and female smallie). The aggressive male smallmouth bass may be an instigator when introduced into waters outside its natural range where spawning sites are limited, or in altered habitats such as reservoirs.

When smallies were added to newly constructed Squaw Creek Reservoir in Texas, they soon hybridized and backcrossed with both northern and Florida subspecies of largemouths that were already in the impoundment. In 1993, Rich Fry caught an 8-pound 3-ounce bass from a Pennsylvania mine pit that was genetically identified as a first-generation hybrid of a largemouth and a smallmouth bass.

More Crosses: By the late 1960s, stocking of spotted bass in central Missouri had led to hybridization and genetic swamping of smallmouth populations. Today, backcrossed mixes of spots and smallies are increasingly common in central Missouri streams and in reservoirs such as Table Rock, where several state records have been set, up to 5 pounds 10 ounces. Due to their fighting power, they’re locally known as “meanmouth bass,” but this confuses the original meaning of the term. In 2006, an 8-pound 5.6-ounce spot-smallmouth hybrid was caught in Oklahoma’s Veteran’s Lake, a new state record and the largest black bass hybrid on record.

In north Georgia and Alabama, introductions of smallmouths into spotted bass water and of spots into smallie water led to hybridization and mixing of genotypes, compromising the adaptive characteristics of each species in these waters.

Beginning in 1974, smallmouths were stocked into central Texas streams where only native Guadalupe bass had existed. Within a decade, extensive hybridization and backcrossing occurred. To preserve the few remaining pure populations of Guadalupes from extermination by genetic swamping, smallmouth stocking has ceased here, sanctuaries have been established, and captive-bred Guadalupes planted in streams to buoy their numbers.

Hybridization of smallmouth and redeye bass also has occurred in the Upper Cumberland River watershed of Tennessee, where introduced redeyes hybridized with smallmouths, resulting in more than half the bass being crosses. A research group including Dr. Philipp has recently labeled the Florida bass a separate species—not a subspecies of largemouth as traditionally thought—based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA. Many studies of this cross have been done over the last 30 years.

While some short-term hybrid vigor may be noted, long-term loss of fitness is inevitable when black bass hybridize. Recent investigations show that “outbreeding depression,” a measureable descriptor of loss of fitness, occurs when populations are mixed.

While it may be hard today to find black bass populations unaffected by stock transfers, it’s imperative to keep them pure by restricting any transfers into those watersheds, and to limit further mixing of stocks of black bass.

Read more: http://www.in-fisherman.com/bass/hybrid-black-bass/#ixzz3vqSMNMYQ


fishinwrenchs post from the in-fisherman was dead on. I was actually in college getting my Master's in Fishery Biology when Dr. Childers developed a smallmouth/largemouth hybrid that feed so aggressively his workers coined the phrase "meanmouth". These hydrids actually occur naturally as well and have caught a number of them over the years as I am sure you all have as well. I will see what scientific articles I can come up with dealing with this hybrid WCB.


By the way...Don't look at the dates and comment on my age. I already now know how old I am.  lol


This is all I could find WCB.



Ploidy of Backcross Hybrids of Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass Gomelski

One of the concerns of biologists is that many species hybrids do not produce the appropriate number of chromosomes in there eggs and there for fertilazation, hatch rate and survivability are all negatively effected. The study found no such effect in the LM/SM bass hydrids.


Whitmore, D.H. and T.R. Hellier. 1988. Natural hybridization between largemouth and smallmouth bass (Micropterus). Copeia 1988(2):493-396.


Molecular Genetic Confirmation of Hybridization between Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus) in the Wild.     Barthel

Documents natural occurance of LM/SM crossbreeding.


The inheritance of tissue-specific lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in interspecific bass (Micropterus) hybrids.


Genetic and in vitro molecular hybridization of malate dehydrogenase isozymes in interspecific bass (Micropterus) hybrids. Wheat


Never hurts to ask biologiststs questions. They might have to think a bit if you ask good ones. I have always hated the term mean mouth. Hybrid bass is a better description. It is kind like  bubblegum and pink. It is pink not bubblegum.


I hate the term "Wiper" too, but actually if any should be called BASS from a biologists standpoint Largemouth/Smallmouth/Meanmouth/Spotted shouldn't be among them.  They aren't even members of the bass lineage.   



To everyone,

 Now we're cookin'. Wrench, I had read the article you posted some time ago. I may make some comments later on what they published.



"Genetic and in vitro molecular hybridization of malate dehydrogenase isozymes in interspecific bass (Micropterus) hybrids."

Translation - When species crossbreed they get half their generics from one parent and half from another. If one parent has blue eyes and the other has yellow eyes then the offspring will have the color eye which is dominant, say blue. BUT biologists are discovering that in the case of inherited genetics there is always a chance that a particular gene may be half developed from one parent and half from another. This split gene is called 'molecular hybridization". So while a fish with blue eyes may be dominant genetically over a fish with yellow eyes (all off spring will have blue eyes) there is always some cases where the gene is a hybrid and you occasionally get a fish with green eyes.

Easy as pie.

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