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2 hours ago, Al Agnew said:

"You might be a hillbilly if..."

You pose for pictures with the groundhog.

Just funnin' you, Oneshot...I've eaten my share of groundhogs and snapping turtles.  Even ate a possum once.  Not sure I'd do that again, though.  My wife, who spent her early growing up years on a farm and then moved to a "town" of about 30 people, just laughs when I call myself a country boy, since I grew up in a town of 1500 or so at the time.  But I still had all the badges of a hillbilly kid in the summer...at any given time I'd have the welts of several dozen ticks and chiggers in various tender parts of my anatomy.

"You might be a hillbilly if..." 

You keep a couple toads in the basement to lick up the ticks that come off your clothes when you come in from roaming the woods hunting squirrels during the summer.  (I did that.)

Tick put me in the Hospital, needing to be operated on, two years ago. Give me MERSA.



OMG,   Toads in the basement.  That takes me back.   Ours were fat on camel crickets, which for some weird reason I was afraid of as a small child.  


what that new truck your driving down the road cost you. I would say about 50,000


1 hour ago, Old plug said:

what that new truck your driving down the road cost you. I would say about 50,000


It ain't new.  The windshield wipers are losing paint. :)


   Not only that but if he is taking the video I hope he is not the driver so this may not be his truck. I picture one shot with more of a Beverly hillbillies rig. If he is taking the video it is hillbilly ingenuity :). That is a complement and made in the most sincerest way . I like oneshots posts!


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



 folks in my family said amongst other things when called hillbillys was that hillbillys were lazy enough to do it right the first time. That usually shut the other up long enough to get on with what they were about . So far as I know no one in the family took offense at being a hillbilly just thought it sad that those would not understand how living a good yet simple life style was .

what a long strange trip it's been , put a dip in your hip, a glide in your stride and come on to the mother ship , the learning never ends


I was headed down to the river at Barclay one Winter morning, the hill was icey and a bit treacherous.  As I was easing down through the 'S' bend here comes an old truck hauling butt up through it, no way he could slow down or he'd never make it.   I bit the ditch to give him room and as he passed within inches I noticed a very wet and cold looking ONESHOT behind the wheel. :o

I later learned that he'd fallen in the river and was haulin'butt for the house.  :lol:

Sorry for cussin' ya ol'boy....but that was a close one!  

2 hours ago, fishinwrench said:

I was headed down to the river at Barclay one Winter morning, the hill was icey and a bit treacherous.  As I was easing down through the 'S' bend here comes an old truck hauling butt up through it, no way he could slow down or he'd never make it.   I bit the ditch to give him room and as he passed within inches I noticed a very wet and cold looking ONESHOT behind the wheel. :o

I later learned that he'd fallen in the river and was haulin'butt for the house.  :lol:

Sorry for cussin' ya ol'boy....but that was a close one!  

Oh I remember that. I had got my Line tangled, went to get it undone and fell in. It was down around zero. And yes that hill was slick.

The Pickup is '95 GMC gave $5,000 for it. Still have it. Got 300K miles on it.

My wife was videoing and taking pictures.



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