abkeenan Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 10 minutes ago, mjk86 said: Lol so bass dont reproduce? Moron? Why do people call me names on here? Also that wasnt the point i was making...the point i was making is that the fish are conditioned differently. The typical uneducated response is to call people names when another argument cant be made...You most vote republican hahahahahaha. Lol didnt i sell you old wiggle warts? I ripped you off, you paid 10 dollars for crappy old lures...your the moron, also arent you in chiropractor school? and your calling me dumb? Mommy and daddy sure bought you a nice truck and boat, very nice. Everything is making perfect sense now. cheesemaster, sholder02, jolicious and 2 others 5
mixermarkb Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Hey Abk, don't blame us democrats for this one- we are supposed to be the tree hugging hippies... lol
mjk86 Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 8 minutes ago, mixermarkb said: I feel like Jackie Gleason in the smokey and the bandit movie where he had that stress monitor that beeped.. I know you are just trolling, and I'm falling for it, but jeez dude, sorry about whatever it is that makes you act like this. Teeny weenie, mom didn't hug you as a kid, the other kids were meanies to you in daycare, idk. Maybe it's just genetics, since it seems to be a family tradition to pillage the resource to its full capacity, but I'm thankful you go to TR and not Bull Shoals. You clearly aren't ignorant, so I don't have any explanation for the greedy, butt headed attitude here in this thread, and total lack of common sense and care for the resource. I wish I did. Its a reasonable attitude is what it is. I can promise that i care more for the resource and conservation than most anyone in here, and do more to protect it....instead of just talking about "sketchy science" I actually get involved and care about conservation managment, its just that i dont get a boner for bass. I dont poach, and i dont kill for no reason. What i kill is consumed. The resource is not harmed at all by keeping fish...but the whiny people on this forum apparently are. The upset folks here are superficially upset. They really dont care for the resource as much as they think, especially if they are participating in tournaments.
abkeenan Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 35 minutes ago, mixermarkb said: Hey Abk, don't blame us democrats for this one- we are supposed to be the tree hugging hippies... lol I thought that was a little ironic. mixermarkb 1
Members BearFisher10 Posted January 27, 2016 Members Posted January 27, 2016 18 minutes ago, mjk86 said: They really dont care for the resource as much as they think, especially if they are participating in tournaments. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and throw a little math into that statement...If you look up any tournament results data, it will tell you how many dead fish were weighed in. If you take that number and divide it by the total amount of anglers, 9 times out of 10 it's going to average out much lower than .5 fish per person. If you take those numbers for a whole trails season, it MIGHT end up coming out to 1 dead fish per person. Say a tournament has 6 events and draws roughly 50 boats. If you had your dead fish per tournament average at 5, at the end of the season that would only come out to 30 dead fish for the season if they averaged 50 boats. Now let's say 50 boats with two guys go out and catch their limit 6 different times over the year and take them home to eat, that's 3600 fish. Math doesn't lie and I'm going to say that people keeping fish takes more out of the lake than tournament anglers do. 96 CHAMP, Champ188, abkeenan and 1 other 4
mixermarkb Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 First off- all fishing, catch and release, derbies, catch and keep, commercial- has an effect on the resource. Keeping your legal limit each time out, simply says to the world that you are such an inconsiderate jerk that the law has to step in and protect the resource, because you are totally incapable of sharing and leaving some for the next guy, or the next generation, on your own, without threat of brown suits putting your butt in jail. Second- Outdoor sports, and sport fishing in particular, are one of the few ways the right and the left can come togther and protect our planet. Fishermen and outdoorsmen have been a driving force in the clean water regulations, and other needed conservation legislation, passed over the years. Personally, I'm a beliver in man made climate change, and I'm a beliver in man needing to be a good steward of this planet that we have been given by God. We may not agree on much, but those of us on the right and the left that like to see a bass explode on a spook, can get some things done to keep that around for the next generation, through our common bond of fishing. Nets full of dead fish make the radical folks in PETA just as mad as it makes me and Champ188, and they will work even harder to make what do for fun illegal. Adding fuel to those sorts of fires further separates the right and the left, and makes finding common ground on conservation issues really freaking hard. So, yes, eat fish. Keep a few, but for *%#'s sake, don't be a total dick about it just because you have some point you think you are proving to the world. All you prove is that you are the one person I've met on this forum so far that wouldn't be welcome in my boat. Fish24/7, BearFisher10, cheesemaster and 5 others 8
dtrs5kprs Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 I think Mark just became my new token Democrat friend. I'd even let people see him come in the front door. cheesemaster, Champ188, mixermarkb and 1 other 4
mjk86 Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Here is exactly where when and how every one of these fish were caught. 1.) Hwy 13 bridge pilings...obvious. The second piling from the north end is the most effective in my experience during summer (but through deer season the few times i fished in november), also the middle piling can be good. The shallower two on the south end are significantly less productive IMO. Boat in 190-210 feet of water. Fish thermocline depths with worms or spoons. If you have a graph Look from the second piling out to where the old bridge and the new bridge make an X. Even though its 100ft down i think the old bridge has some effect. This is a late/morning and midday deal when boat traffic is pretty much unmanageable, but those fish are very easy targets. I remember an old man once was trolling figure 8's between all the pilings, and he said cloudy days they will scatter between them, and sunny days hold tight. Made sense. 2.) Point 7. Point 7 has an old creek channel that is perpendicular and makes it look as if its "pinched" off. Work that channel, and the small secondary point adjacent to it. I typically will position the boat in deep water, sometimes over 100ft, casting into from 10-30ft. Also, the channel backs right up against point 7 and goes WAAYYYYY out to sea, hence the bouys. That ledge is very effective. I have also caught several fish directly up on the point itself, never had much luck on the "flat" side facing south though. Once again...worms...spoons...trolled cranks. This year i practiced a bit with a jig n craw trailer and it worked. 3.) Schooner creek. The eastern side of schooner is loaded with bass...just everywhere, probably all the time, but def in the summer. The main lake point shaped like a thumb is very productive for me. The channel swings in by the bank, boat in 60-90ft casting to 15-25ft. Work that whole bank, but the point is very productive. Also the secondary point and its adjacent bank are quite effective. When I was little we used to fish the deep docks on the other side of the creek and do well, but i havent in years as ive been told its not allowed anymore or something....IDK. Few things....most of these fish were caught quite deep. There will always be fish caught shallow....but IMO on table rock...there will always be deep fish (relative to the oxygen level), and they are easier for me to catch for sure. What i tend to do is position the boat well offshore, over very deep water...then cast into but past where I suspect fish to be holding...then after counting the bait down, i try to retrieve horizontally. I dont think that ive ever caught a fish at table rock within 20 feet of the bank. Shallow for me is 8-10ft deep is over 100. If I pick up a bite and can locate a particular depth that they seem to be active, then i will position the boat over that depth and fish parallel to the bank. This often unfolds in the boat being in 35-45 feet and making a diagonal cast into about 15 to 20FOW. Now even though you all hate me, you can go catch some fish courtesy of me!
abkeenan Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 6 minutes ago, dtrs5kprs said: I think Mark just became my new token Democrat friend. I'd even let people see him come in the front door. I do believe that I have witnessed hipocritical mass....both an animal slaying democrat and then a level headed one. God.....am I dead? mixermarkb 1
Guest Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 23 minutes ago, BearFisher10 said: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and throw a little math into that statement...If you look up any tournament results data, it will tell you how many dead fish were weighed in. If you take that number and divide it by the total amount of anglers, 9 times out of 10 it's going to average out much lower than .5 fish per person. If you take those numbers for a whole trails season, it MIGHT end up coming out to 1 dead fish per person. Say a tournament has 6 events and draws roughly 50 boats. If you had your dead fish per tournament average at 5, at the end of the season that would only come out to 30 dead fish for the season if they averaged 50 boats. Now let's say 50 boats with two guys go out and catch their limit 6 different times over the year and take them home to eat, that's 3600 fish. Math doesn't lie and I'm going to say that people keeping fish takes more out of the lake than tournament anglers do. That doesn't take into account the number of fish that die after the weigh in. Depending on water conditions delayed mortality can kill a large majority of fish released after weigh in. I'd much rather those fish be eaten then become turtle food. Eat the dinks if you want to keep some fish and release the 15+ inch bass where possible...and stop supporting catch transport and weigh tournaments, especially if they trailer the fish to a weigh in.
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