Al Agnew Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 4 hours ago, Flysmallie said: What?? Are you serious?? All they have learned is that they can continue doing whatever the hell they want and nothing will ever come of it. Nothing. If we would start holding some of the American Royalty accountable for their actions then maybe we would get some decent candidates. But yeah Trump isn't any better. He's as sleazy as Bill. And that makes them different from other high profile politicians how? Yep, American royalty is an apt description. But yes, Trump isn't any better, AND, as I said before, I simply don't think he knows how to run a country, what he can and can't accomplish on his own, how he can work with Congress. And he has shown absolutely no ability to handle the international stage. To be honest, I don't have as terrible an opinion of HIllary as so many do, but that's an argument there is no use fighting. But even if she's comparable to Trump on the sleazy scale, she has about as much and as varied experience working IN government as anybody, as well as working with other countries' leaders, and he has absolutely none. I don't think business experience translates to governing, at all. That alone would tip the scales for me.
Flysmallie Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 14 minutes ago, Al Agnew said: And that makes them different from other high profile politicians how? I think any president that admits to cheating on his wife in the oval office should be banned from the club. But the club don't see it that way. Even though we regularly ruin people's lives for a lot less. That's the real reason I hate Hillary. She stuck with him through all that, not because she loved him and she wanted to salvage her marriage, she did it because it was the best thing to do for her career. That to me is a person that will say anything, do anything to protect their power. But yeah like you said, how is that any different than any other politician? It's not. But if we continue to allow it because all politicians do it then what are we expecting out of a government. Why bust that gigger for illegally targeting smallmouth. They ALL do it. I'm not sure if Trump is smart enough to run a country. But I do know that he is a stooge and will cause plenty of problems for himself if he's lucky enough to somehow win.
Quillback Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 Well, I don't see how a person that has spent most of her life in politics is "qualified" to run this country either. We need some fresh perspectives, you won't see that from HC, she's all about status quo. Mitch f 1
MOPanfisher Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 I have no doubt that Trump is smart enough, he doesn't have the skills. I might be a Rhoades Scholar, but that doesn't make me an neurosurgeon. There is a definite class of American Royalty but I don't cut Either Trump or Clinton in that group, they are rich, but have only become rich in their own generation. They are more of the Robber Baron tyoes.
SpoonDog Posted July 28, 2016 Posted July 28, 2016 Keystone was batted around eight years before it was finally mothballed. Even if Trump has the inclination and the money and the political will to actually go through with building a wall, the idea it's going to be done any time soon (within a first term) is pretty unrealistic. The idea that people willing to cross 100,000 square miles of inhospitable desert but are gonna throw their hands up at the sight of a wall seems pretty unrealistic. The constant assertion our nation's at the brink of economic collapse, that we don't have enough money for roads or bridges or ports or zika or social security or healthcare or education or replacing lead pipes but we can gin up the cash to build, equip, maintain and patrol a 1000+ mile border wall in perpetuity seems pretty unrealistic.
Smalliebigs Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 5 hours ago, Al Agnew said: And that makes them different from other high profile politicians how? Yep, American royalty is an apt description. But yes, Trump isn't any better, AND, as I said before, I simply don't think he knows how to run a country, what he can and can't accomplish on his own, how he can work with Congress. And he has shown absolutely no ability to handle the international stage. To be honest, I don't have as terrible an opinion of HIllary as so many do, but that's an argument there is no use fighting. But even if she's comparable to Trump on the sleazy scale, she has about as much and as varied experience working IN government as anybody, as well as working with other countries' leaders, and he has absolutely none. I don't think business experience translates to governing, at all. That alone would tip the scales for me. Yeah Al she works real well with the Muslim Brotherhood hahahaha.....she's qualified alright.....I won't expound the virtues of either one of these candidates because they both suck. I just can't believe that anyone could say either one of these turd bags are good based on their past hands would go numb from typing if I was to to list all the clown moves Hillary and Donald have done. Come on man Mitch f 1
Al Agnew Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 5 hours ago, Flysmallie said: I think any president that admits to cheating on his wife in the oval office should be banned from the club. But the club don't see it that way. Even though we regularly ruin people's lives for a lot less. That's the real reason I hate Hillary. She stuck with him through all that, not because she loved him and she wanted to salvage her marriage, she did it because it was the best thing to do for her career. That to me is a person that will say anything, do anything to protect their power. But yeah like you said, how is that any different than any other politician? It's not. But if we continue to allow it because all politicians do it then what are we expecting out of a government. Why bust that gigger for illegally targeting smallmouth. They ALL do it. I'm not sure if Trump is smart enough to run a country. But I do know that he is a stooge and will cause plenty of problems for himself if he's lucky enough to somehow win. First of all, you don't KNOW the reasons why Hillary stuck with Bill, you're just assuming. And why do you assume sticking with him was the best thing for her career? She was the wife he was being faithless against. Everybody, except maybe those who think on religious grounds that nobody should get a divorce, would have given her a pass and understood her reasoning...and those people probably don't vote Democrat. I suspect it would have probably been a wash; it wouldn't have helped nor hurt her career. She was already a high profile First Lady and could have probably done just as well no matter what she had done back then; she had the name recognition. Now if you're saying that she wanted to keep her "power" as First Lady, well, that's kinda like being Vice President, which somebody famously said was not worth a bucket of warm spit. As for Bill and whether he should have been run out of office over illicit sex with an adult in the Oval Office, well, maybe. He was far from the first President to do so, but that's no excuse. However, exactly how does Hillary figure in THAT? I'm pretty sure she had nothing to do with impeachment proceedings on Bill failing.
SpoonDog Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 I certainly don't know the outward difference between a Syrian Christian, a Syrian Muslim, and a Syrian Jew. Many Americans are profoundly ignorant about the world around them- Sikhs and Indians are routinely misidentified as Muslims. 75%+ of Muslims aren't Arab. I have to routinely remind friends and coworker Bosnians are neither Russian nor Christian. I have a friend from Madrid, and I've watched people's tone, attitude, and body language change when he opens his mouth and speaks in a Spanish accent instead of Middle Eastern. I have another friend from Tunisia everyone assumes is from Memphis because they don't "sound African." If we were good at identifying terrorists (or even identifying Muslims) it'd be one thing- but most Americans are so clueless about the religion and its demographics they could point out a Muslim on the street only a fraction of the time. It'd be hysterical, except our position in the world means our ignorance has consequences for millions of others. Growing up where I did, when I did, I went to school with Muslim refugees Iranians, with Pakistanis, with Somalis and Kenyans. They went to class, they got decent grades, they played soccer, they were on the football team, they swam, they ran track. Turns out they were just people, there wasn't anything inherently awful or evil about them. Grade school through high school I had classes with Bosnian refugees- while I was in third grade learning multiplication their houses were being shelled. They were survivors of genocide- they witnessed bombings, executions, hangings. Six, eight, ten year old kids- if they were lucky they didn't have to actually watch their parents, grandparents, extended family killed. They were not the instigators of violence. They were not the perpetrators of violence. they were the victims of violence. It's not a joke, it's not something to be treated cavalierly. Human beings are not M&M's. Stripping people of their humanity makes a facile argument easier to defend. It makes unjustifiable behavior seem justifiable. That's why at various points in history we've reduced other human beings to numbers on a page, on a uniform, or on a forearm. Refusing candy because one may be poison sounds pragmatic. Allowing the entire population of Branson to be executed because one resident may be a terrorist is psychopathic. The math doesn't change, but removing the human element certainly makes the decision easier to stomach. The only difference between you and a Syrian refugee is that you're not a Syrian refugee, and that's simply a product of random chance. You won the effin' lottery when you were born here instead of there. Don't mistake that blind, dumb luck as meaning you're any more valuable, more meaningful, or more irreplaceable than any other human being. You're just lucky. The world's a risky place whether we do something or do nothing, and we're going to be threatened by terrorism whether we accept zero refugees or ten refugees or a thousand or a million. Your parents understood that- they were willing to fight and sacrifice and die for the cause that all human lives are of inherent worth. They accepted European refugees when asked. They accepted Russian refugees. They accepted Jewish refugees, not knowing the full extent of what was going on in Germany. You guys don't have the same luxury of ignorance. You guys can rationalize it however you like, what you're saying is you're willing to compromise the welfare of 10,000 people for a 0.0001% reduction in your perceived sense of risk. I can't think of a better definition of cowardice. Phil Lilley, riverrat, Chief Grey Bear and 2 others 5
Al Agnew Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 5 hours ago, Quillback said: Well, I don't see how a person that has spent most of her life in politics is "qualified" to run this country either. We need some fresh perspectives, you won't see that from HC, she's all about status quo. Oh, I agree we need fresh perspectives. But sorry, I don't think Trump's perspectives are thoughtful or intelligent. You don't vote change just for the sake of change. Just because somebody is different it doesn't mean they are automatically better. They could just as easily be worse. It all depends on HOW they are different. Trump's kinda like a left-handed knuckleball pitcher whose every other pitch doesn't do anything. He's different from the fast-baller that's been pitching, but that doesn't mean you bring him in in a pressure situation.
Flysmallie Posted July 29, 2016 Posted July 29, 2016 17 minutes ago, Al Agnew said: First of all, you don't KNOW the reasons why Hillary stuck with Bill, you're just assuming. And why do you assume sticking with him was the best thing for her career? She was the wife he was being faithless against. Everybody, except maybe those who think on religious grounds that nobody should get a divorce, would have given her a pass and understood her reasoning...and those people probably don't vote Democrat. I suspect it would have probably been a wash; it wouldn't have helped nor hurt her career. She was already a high profile First Lady and could have probably done just as well no matter what she had done back then; she had the name recognition. Now if you're saying that she wanted to keep her "power" as First Lady, well, that's kinda like being Vice President, which somebody famously said was not worth a bucket of warm spit. As for Bill and whether he should have been run out of office over illicit sex with an adult in the Oval Office, well, maybe. He was far from the first President to do so, but that's no excuse. However, exactly how does Hillary figure in THAT? I'm pretty sure she had nothing to do with impeachment proceedings on Bill failing. And you don't know that she is the lesser of two evils. You are just assuming that she is. Vote for whoever you want. I don't care. But that woman is no leader. Period.
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