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 Myself nor anyone else was telling you off. What we are trying to get across to you, and any other lookers, is when you join a site, fishing, hunting, etc. its always best to share stories, give small details of your successes if any, get to know those that post "via comments back and forth", and then put in the time of being a part of that group, before, again "before" you ask for locations, secrets, times, baits, etc.  I personally know a few of the guys here, and any of them would tell you anything they knew to help a buddy out.  In the meantime, share details of your outings, join in on the conversations, get to know these guys, and before you know it, you may be invited out fishing. Just me speaking openly, no bashing as im not that way.  

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


DK -Ketchup and others offer some good advice - no need to leave.  Another piece of advice is that you need to have a bit of a thick skin at times, all of us have gotten some flack in the past and probably will in the future.

I've been on here a long time, and I would never ask for specific locations on the public forum even from guys I know fairly well.  It's just not considered good form to ask for locations, one of those unwritten rule kind of things.

  • Root Admin

Deltakid - If you've been reading this forum for as long as you've been a member, you should know the tone of those who are heavy handed and those who mean well.  In no way did anyone jump on you or will make fun.

I think you should reconsider your statement.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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Ok maybe I overreacted a bit...ok maybe a lot......but if you have fished that darn lake as much as I have and had nothing to show but the awfull smell of skunk you might understand...I'm not going to give up on the forums in fact I've just bought another boat one a bit smaller to get up into the creeks a bit better. So to all of you who might think I was ranting yeah I was but maybe it wasn't so much at you'all but at myself for not being able to snag any fish...thanks for all the good input and I promise when I do find any fish I will post pics and let you know what I did....lol if it ever happens.



On this forum? 


Never happened. Lol!! 

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


Don't give up delta kid, I fished table rock for many years, working and trying to figure things out on my own, long before I new about this forum, keep fishing hard, read these guys post, ask questions & tell these guys what you learn and didn't learn. It can get frustrating but every day you go out and have little luck you learn more about what doesn't work, then when it does work out it is even more rewarding. Also I see you are fromBelle Vista, I know of a couple fisherman from down in that area, only met one, but if all indications Are the same of that individual as the other fisherman from down there you have a heck of a bunch of good guys that will help you out, just get to know them a bit. Good luck to you & Good Fishin!!


We all understand skunk. 

Me especially lately. Since I don't get out as often as I used to, I spend a lot of time moving, covering old water and looking for where I think they should be. 


Which is my mistake.  This lake is a conditions lake. Which change daily.  Sometimes having a "spot" or area is the difference between skunk and success.  Which is where networking with other anglers can help, like having a buddy work one area while you work another. In general, if you see a group of guide boats, you're in a good area.  Don't crowd the guide boats and give them some space. Plenty of space, but you can fish the same general area.  As a rule of thumb, I give at least a few hundred yards between me and a guide.  Plenty of water for all of us.

Unless you're one particular guide who thinks he owns the entire lake.  Not saying who but, some here know who I'm referring to. He typically likes to stay by himslef and not around other guide boats.  I have my suspicions about that too. 

Point is, you need to learn how the lake functions around conditions.  I've been here for years and still do not know that. But I'm learning. 

And do NOT troll in behind someone after they just caught a fish. Had a member here do that to me one day.  That's just wrong. He knows who he is and so do I. 

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

2 minutes ago, J-Doc said:


And do NOT troll in behind someone after they just caught a fish. Had a member here do that to me one day.  That's just wrong. He knows who he is and so do I. 

Sorry J, 

 I was just trying to see your graphs and "borrow" your screen knowledge.  ?

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 

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