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A while back I told my dad to keep an eye out for old warts (or any for that matter) because he goes to lots of estate and garage sales. Long story short, he has become addicted to collecting vintage fishing lures. He still somewhat new to it but he loves doing it. 


Today he sent me a picture of a lure and he can't find out what make or model it is.  It looks like you open the bait and stick a live shad or minnow in it, close it, and fish it.  The holes would provide circulation for the bait? I dont know...I figured I'd post it here and see what you guys think it may be. 




Thats something ive never seen. The concept, if how you stated, would be cool to see if a camera was placed in there. 

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Seems like I remember something like that being advertised years ago back about 1970.  Put your bait in the container like you are saying. 


The original Live Target!! 

Not sure this is the same but it looks similar this Captive Catch on ebay:


The Captive Catch was from the 1970's.  It looks like they had a lip on them that makes them dive, although the site below makes it sound like that lip could be removed.  Perhaps you have one where the lip has been removed?



Edit:  Also found this old lure:  Lurk Live Lures from Kansas City MO

https://books.google.com/books?id=L8MMozmVi58C&pg=PA417&lpg=PA417&dq=lurk+live+lures&source=bl&ots=eCtVAhwy8h&sig=E6SwTx-711pTGaK1yNzDAwmeh6U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWtqDA9LXTAhVhOJoKHb0_BBUQ6AEISzAC#v=onepage&q=lurk live lures&f=false

Here is a better image:  https://br.pinterest.com/pin/393994667370601744/

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The Lurk Lure one looks very very close to it.  It came with a bunch of Heddon lures and I wonder if Heddon made a concept live minnow tube lure.

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