MoCarp Posted September 9, 2017 Posted September 9, 2017 If you fancy yourself a good rough fisherman, give this a go and win some $$$$ Texas National Carp & Buffalo Tournament 2017, Sponsored by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce. "The Texas National Carp & Buffalo Tournament Registration Form and Etiquette Rules have been published on the Lake Fork Area of Commerce Website: Everyone should be able to see the C & B poster on the left side of the home page. Click on it and you will be directed to the page where the Registration Form is as well as additional information." The Texas National Carp & Buffalo Tournament Lake Fork, TX November 1-5, 2017 Additional Payout:(s) $50,000 - State Record Small Mouth Buffalo 82.22 as of 8/17/17 $25,000 - State Record Common Carp 43.75 as of 8/17/17 Rules: Entry fee: $600 per team prior to October 1st $700 after October 1st Teams of 3 Anglers; 6 rod maximum 72 hours: noon Thursday to noon Sunday Weigh Marshalls: onsite 7 am until 7 pm All fish must be live (release) MONKEYS? what monkeys?
MoCarp Posted September 9, 2017 Author Posted September 9, 2017 Texas National Carp & Buffalo Tournament Lake Fork 2017 Sponsored by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce Tournament and Etiquette Rules Texas National Carp & Buffalo Tournament Lake Fork 2017 Sponsored by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce Tournament and Etiquette Rules The rules for this competition have been created to ensure the safety of Anglers, spectators and fish, and to give an equal chance for any Angler to win. All competing Anglers must read, understand and comply with the rules, etiquette and penalties described herein. These rules will remain inforce throughout the Tournament and all decisions by the Tournament Director are final. • Pre-Fishing Fishing on any portion of Lake Fork or using a boat or sonar deice to scout potential Peg locations within two weeks of the Tournament is prohibited and will result in disqualification and the forfeiture of deposits. • Peg Draw and Peg Etiquette • All competitors must have registered and paid all entry fees by the start of the Peg Draw. • There will be two drawings for Peg Site. The first drawing will determine order for Peg Site drawing. The second drawing will determine Peg Site location. If a Team is not present when called upon for their selection, their slot will be moved to the last pick of the Peg Draw. • Anglers must fish and place all of their active fishing equipment within the posted boundaries of their Peg Site. Spare equipment may be retained within their vehicles regardless of its proximity to the Peg Site. • Anglers must be courteous to spectators and the media. They should also be prepared to answer questions and allow media or Tournament photographs. • Anglers must be courteous to competing Teams, Weigh Marshals and other Tournament officials at all times. Excessive rude or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated and be subject to immediate disqualification. • Lake Fork is a public reservoir open at all times for boating, fishing and other forms of water recreation. If a non-competitor is perceived to conduct themselves in a way that is detrimental to the competition, the affected Team should contact the Tournament Director or a Weigh Marshal for assistance. The Team’s Anglers should “stand down” and must not take any action that might escalate the situation. • If a Team member must leave their assigned Peg for 10 minutes or longer, his or her lines may be maintained by a fellow Team member. • If a Team withdraws during the competition, they must record their departure time with the Weigh Marshal and remove all equipment and refuse from their Peg Site. Anglers that have withdrawn are not permitted to return to the current competition. Anglers are encouraged to be present at the end of the Awards Ceremony after competition closes to be eligible for any door prizes and awards. • Teams must keep Pegs free of trash and debris upon exiting the assigned Peg. If unable to remove the trash and debris from the Peg, the Team must inform the attending Weigh Marshal and/or Tournament Director. • Open fires are not permitted. The use of propane grills or other self-contained heating devises are permitted. • Tournament Start and Finish • Anglers may begin ground-baiting (chumming) their Swims at the time specified by the Tournament Agenda. • No other contact with the water is allowed before the start of the competition, except to plumb the depth, position a marker float, wet nets, unhooking mats and carp-sacks. Anglers are allowed to draw a small amount of water, in a suitable bucket or pail, to wet and prepare ground-bait (chum). • Unless impaired by severe weather or other unforeseen conditions, the competition will start promptly at the appointed time. • All fishing lines must be removed promptly at the end of the competition. Any Team playing a fish when the competition ends must contact a Weigh Marshal and/or fellow competitor and signal “Fish On.” The Anger will have a maximum of 15 minutes to play the fish and net it. If not retrieved within 15 minutes after the designated conclusion of the competition, the fish may not be weighed and must immediately be returned to the water. • Bait • Baits allowed include food-quality baits such as bread, corn, vegetables, carp-safe boiled baits, pellets and paste baits, etc. The rule here is that the Angler must be prepared to eat the bait, to prove it is safe for the fish. • Care must be taken to properly prepare cooked baits for safe consumption by fish. Certain baits, such as field corn, when raw or undercooked, can damage the digestive system of a fish. Anglers found to be fishing with raw or undercooked baits must cease use of the bait until it has been fully prepared and approved by a Tournament Official. • In addition, Anglers cannot use natural baits: worms, night-crawlers, maggots, mealworms, wax-worms, crickets, etc. No plastic, wood or metal lures can be used; plugs, jigs, etc. cannot be used. No live or dead whole or cut fish or fish pieces can be used as bait. Artificial corn and pop ups are permitted. Tournament Officials have the right to inspect all baits and disallow any bait they deem illegal, offensive or dangerous. • Ground-baiting (chumming) is allowed. Spods, PVA bags, nets & sting, catapults (fishing slingshots), throwing spoons, and feeders of all types are acceptable. Teams should bait intelligently, as too much ground-bait, chum, and/or free offerings will affect your chances of catching and may also ruin your neighbor’s Swim. • Targeting and Playing Fish • This is a catch-and-release Tournament; no fish will be weighed unless it was caught fairly, has been handled safely, and can be released alive. • Boats, bait-boats, fishing finders, sonar, and other like fish-finding equipment are not permitted. • An Angler may enter the water to net a fish, release a fish, place a fish in a holding sack, or to free a fish caught in a snag, weed or otherwise in distress or possible danger. In the event of low foliage impeding the Angler’s ability to cast, the Angler may enter the water far enough to allow for a cast, but to no deeper than the Angler’s waist. Swimming is prohibited. Anglers enter the water at their own risk. • Carp are hard-fighting fish and there may be a need for an Angler to leave their Peg location momentarily to play a fish that is running parallel to the bank. A catch will be valid if the fish is landed within the Angler’s assigned Peg area or within the adjacent buffer zone. A buffer zone is defined as the space that lies between end boundary lines of neighboring Pegs. A fish that is tangled with a neighboring Team’s line(s) or that is landed within the assigned area of a neighboring Peg will be disqualified. • The Tournament Director reserves the right to issue a warning to Anglers repeatedly playing fish into the neighboring Peg area. • In the event of a disagreement that cannot be settled between competing neighbors, a Weigh Marshal and/or Tournament Director must be called to settle the dispute. The Tournament Official’s decision on the matter will be final. • Should an Angler require assistance landing a fish while multiple fish are hooked at the same time, the fish landed by any other person not registered to the Team will be disqualified. • Landing Nets, Unhooking Mats and Carp-Sacks • Anglers must use a soft, knotless mess or rubber mesh landing net of the appropriate size. • Anglers are required to use a well-padded mat when unhooking fish that have been netted. • Anglers must retain catches waiting to be scored in carp-friendly sacks that will not damage the fish. • While retaining fish, carp-sack must be fully submerged in water and must not be overpopulated with fish. • In an emergency and without a carp-sack, the Angler is allowed to retain a catch momentarily by placing the landing net and fish back in the water. • Equipment Use • Only six rods per Team with a single 1/0 Carp Hook on each rod may be cast with bait at any time. Visual and audible remote bite indicators are permitted. • Hooks can be no larger than a size 1/0. Recommended hook patterns are barbless and micro-barbed (e.g. a standard Carp Hook), or have the barb squeezed down with pliers. Hooks larger than a size 1/0, multiple hooks, double or treble hooks and hooks with an oversized barb are not allowed. • Weigh Marshals have the right to inspect an Angler’s hooks, and can disallow fish caught on an illegal hook. The Weigh Marshal’s decision in all such cases will be final. Weigh Marshals may disallow specific 1/0 hooks in the event that said hooks are found to cause undue damage to captured fish. • Anglers can use additional rods for spodding or controlling a marker float. No fishhooks can be attached to any part of the line on this rod. The Angler can have additional rods pre-rigged at the Peg, but they can only have a maximum of three baits in the water at any time. • Standard, Carp-safe rigs are allowed. All rigs should include either a Safety Clip or be capable of sliding over knots in the case of an Inline, Helicopter, or Method Feeder rig. Fly Fishing, Float Fishing or Pole Fishing Rigs must include a lower breaking strain leader/hooklength/tippet, to avoid a Carp breaking off the whole rig. • Valid Fish • Only Common Carp, Mirror Carp and Small Mouth Buffalo can be weighed and counted for awards or prizes. • Other fish (including Game Fish) do not count. • Any fish that are dead, snagged, foul-hooked (hook is in a part of the fish body more than 1 inch from the mouth) will be disqualified. • Weigh System • Weigh Marshals will record exact weight (pounds and ounces), type (Common, Mirror, or Small Mouth Buffalo), and time caught on an Official Score Sheet. The Angler and Weigh Marshal shall both sign the Official Score Sheet to confirm that the information has been recorded correctly. • Anglers may also record the weight, type (Common, Mirror, or Small Mouth Buffalo), and time caught on their own score sheet and may request that the Weigh Marshal cross-check both records and sign the Angler’s score sheet. It is each Angler’s ultimate responsibility for ensuring that his/her fish is recorded accurately. Once signed by the Angler and Weigh Marshal, only the weight(s) recorded on the Official Score Sheet will be deemed as valid. • At the end of each Marshaling shift, Weigh Marshals will report each Angler’s catch to the Tournament Director. There will be a minimum of two 6-hour (or longer) Weigh Marshal shifts during the daylight hours of competition. Anglers must retain fish in carp-sacks overnight until the availability of the morning Marshal shift. • Only the Tournament’s certified scales may be used for weighing and recording the catch. Anglers may ask to view certification stickers to verify compliance. Scales of models and brands will be identical for all Weigh Marshals. • Confirm Your Scores • At the end of the competition, Anglers may compare their personal score sheets with the weights recorded by the Tournament Director. In the event of a discrepancy, the Team must notify the Tournament Director immediately. Such notifications will not be addressed if reported more than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the competition. The Tournament Director will examine the Official Score Sheet and final Tournament results, and advise the Team if their complaint is valid. If valid, the Leader Board and any other pertinent documentation will be corrected. In all cases, the Tournament Director’s decision shall be binding. • In the event of a tie for awards & prizes, the Anglers with the largest single fish within the affected category shall be judged the winner. In the event of a tie for the weight of each Team’s largest fish, the winner will be judged by the second biggest single fish, and so on. • Cancellation and Delays • In the event that the Tournament must be cancelled prior to the start date or its start delayed by more than 24 hours, all pre-registered and paid Teams will be refunded their entry fees less their percentage share of any administrative costs that cannot be recovered. • If adverse weather or other unforeseen conditions force the Start of Competition to be delayed for 6 hours or less, the competition will begin/resume at the earliest opportunity and the lost time will not be made up at the end of the competition. • If adverse weather or other unforeseen conditions force the Start of Competition to be delayed by more than 6 hours but less than 24, The Tournament Committee has the option to cancel or reschedule the competition. If the tournament is cancelled, Teams will be refunded their entry fees less their percentage share of any administrative costs that cannot be recovered. If the Tournament is rescheduled, teams who choose not to participate, will receive their entry fees less administrative costs. At that time, payouts will be adjusted according to the number of teams participating. • If a forced interruption occurs before 60 hours of competition have been completed, the competition will resume at the earliest opportunity and concluded according the original schedule. If the interruption cannot be cleared within the remaining scheduled time, the Tournament will be concluded and prizes will be awarded according to the weights recorded prior to the interruption. • If a forced interruption occurs after 60 hours have been completed, the Tournament will be concluded and prizes will be awarded according to the weights recorded prior to the interruption. • Penalties/Disqualification • Tournament officials reserve the right to penalize and/or disqualify any competitor for violating rules and guidelines expressed in writing and verbally prior to and throughout the Competition. In the event that a competitor is found in violation, they will be reprimanded accordingly for the violation. • Any Team disqualified from the Tournament will be removed from the Tournament leader board and post-event press coverage. • Tournament officials reserve the right to impose sanctions on Anglers and/or Teams if they commit crimes or exhibit negative behavior detrimental to the Tournament or a sponsor in a way not otherwise specified in this document. • A Team determined to be cheating or otherwise in flagrant violation of the Tournament Rules will be banned from future competitions. • If during the contest situations arise that are not stipulated in the rules, decisions will be made by the Tournament Director and the competitors will be subject to such decisions. • Liability This is an “enter-at-your-own risk” event. Anglers and Runners are responsible for their own property, safety and liability for any damage or injury to others. Having read and understood the Tournament Rules, with each Angler’s signature on the Registration Form, the Team agrees to accept all decisions of the Tournament Director as final. With each Angler’s signature, the Team also waive and release The Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce, all Tournament members, officials, and sponsors of all liabilities to themselves or their equipment. • Fishing License Unless otherwise excused by Texas State Law, competing Anglers must hold a valid fresh-water fishing license for the State of Texas. Each Angler will be required to present this license or the reasons for the exception at the Tournament Peg Draw. • Copyrighted Materials All Tournament images, descriptions and assorted intellectual property are solely owned by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce. These items cannot be used without expressed written consent from the Chamber’s President. Competitors agree that any images, photographs, etc. obtained during the Tournament may be used by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce for promotional purposes. • Direct Marketing/Recruitment Companies are not permitted to direct market their goods and/or recruit Anglers for promotional and/or sponsorship deals during the Tournament unless approved to do so by the Lake Fork Area Chamber of Commerce. Companies that have a paid sponsorship with the Tournament may direct market and/or recruit during the registration event, closing ceremony, and any pre-Tournament social activities. MONKEYS? what monkeys?
oneshot Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 Too many regulations but I only fish for eaters. oneshot BilletHead and snagged in outlet 3 2
oneshot Posted September 19, 2017 Posted September 19, 2017 On 9/18/2017 at 5:06 PM, MoCarp said: shad soup? Hey just fry them up snagged in outlet 3 and BilletHead 1 1
MoCarp Posted September 20, 2017 Author Posted September 20, 2017 Its good you eat dinks....but then again fish like this are not so easy to fool if you can land one of these bad boys on your Zebco 33 you might need more than one bowl The young man with the two monsters is Texas Buffalo guide Austin Anderson, the older fellow is a buddy of mine Englishman Keith Thompson of Austin , Texas Johnsfolly 1 MONKEYS? what monkeys?
MOPanfisher Posted September 20, 2017 Posted September 20, 2017 Mmmm the rack of buffalo ribs them rascals would make. Fire up the smoker. BilletHead 1
oneshot Posted September 20, 2017 Posted September 20, 2017 Oh I like Buffalo oneshot BilletHead and Johnsfolly 2
BilletHead Posted September 20, 2017 Posted September 20, 2017 3 hours ago, oneshot said: Oh I like Buffalo oneshot Oneshot the Missouri Bison hunter! Johnsfolly 1 "We have met the enemy and it is us", Pogo If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend" Lefty Kreh " Never display your knowledge, you only share it" Lefty Kreh "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!" BilletHead " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting" BilletHead P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs" BilletHead
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