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try the part number on ebay, a small oil filter wrench usually works

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein


I tried the Ebay route once and the filter i got looked the same but would not fit to save my life.  I also tried every other way i could to get the filter off and ended up breaking the plastic, so i decided to just get the tool before i totally broke it.  Last time i changed it i just did it with a screwdriver


My buddies that own Optimax's have FAR more issues than any other line of motor that they own. It's one thing to have more problems when more people own a certain type of engine, but when literally every single one of them has the same couple issues (compressor and usually followed by a power head later, coils, oil pump seem to be the most common), something tells me that I don't want to be running that engine. All they care about is performance are willing to pay out the posterior to fix them for that few extra MPH. More power to them. I'll stick with my Etec and go a little slower, but not be worried about getting stranded. ^_^


Etec stranded three times, two times upstream, one down..... replaced 2 yr old motor while still under warranty. Never owned a opti, sounds like I do not want one.

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein

1 hour ago, aarchdale@coresleep.com said:

I tried the Ebay route once and the filter i got looked the same but would not fit to save my life.  I also tried every other way i could to get the filter off and ended up breaking the plastic, so i decided to just get the tool before i totally broke it.  Last time i changed it i just did it with a screwdriver

dang, guess I have just been lucky.

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein

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