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Are we going to do this again this year? I see that the teams can be set up starting the 8th - 

Where is Abkeenan to make this happen?


A Cornhusker

On 1/7/2018 at 7:03 PM, slothman said:

How does this work exactly? 

I will set something up in the upcoming weeks when BASS Fantasy Fishing's website allows registration for the upcoming season. At that time, I will post a new thread with the details on how to join our OAF league. Was a lot of fun last year and I think it went well. I hope that everyone that was on the "winners list" received a bait from those that were supposed to send. If anyone last year did not receive a bait from a participant last year please PM me as we will DISALLOW them this year. This was and is on the honor system but we need to weed out the deadbeats.

Sloth - how it works is simple. Sign up with the login information I will provide for our private league. For each Elite tournament this year you chose 5 anglers from 5 different pools/groups. The higher they finish, the more points they net for that particular tournament. You want to accumulate the most total point by year end. Simple as that. Doesn't require a ton of time or thought (Probably the reason that Champ won last year :D). At the end of the year each participant donates a bait to the "prize pool" to be divvied up between to highest finishers of the league. A bait a of your choice between $5-10 seems to be typical. Some were very generous, such as Donna who sent a custom painted wiggle wart as her "ante" into the league. Very gracious on her part. It's a bunch of fun and hope we have a larger amount of participants this year.

For more info:




I just looked and it appears that registration for leagues is already open. I will throw something together in the next few days and post here on the TR boards.




I'm in again this year hopefully with better results on my end.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson

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