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13 hours ago, tjm said:

It happened once so it's not that unlikely to happen again. Key factor is you don't know who you will meet in such a situation. A landowner near me is fairly unpredictable , somewhat high tempered and being treated for PTSD after one of the desert wars. I know  enough about him to believe he could be in the news one day over a trespass issue. He hasn't threatened anyone, but temper can be provoked and when medications are involved no one knows where it can lead. I'm sure that  drunk trespasser on the Meremec did not believe he was in danger,  he had never been dead before.


Know the name of that app? It sounds interesting.

Just want to point out that the guy that was shot was most likely drunk but was NOT a trespasser.  He had every right to be on a gravel bar on a floatable stream.


Drunk dude who got shot had some coming. Words exchanged and he displayed poor judgement in the face of poor judgement. Azzholes both. Agree too walk away and not much to worry about.


The pursuit of a smallmouth Shangri La on some unnamed, hard to get, stream in Missouri in 2019 is a myth. Sure, one can catch 6 inch fish on some little esoteric tributary.

Ooops, sorry.  I forgot some people like to drive hours to catch minnows. (FU joeD, it's the experience, no, the JOURNEY, that matters).

I don't get it. There is a smorgasbord of great smallmouth fishing in public, easy to access areas, yet, for apparently many, it is preferable to suffer in the name of "exploring," to spend hours researching and driving and going to streams that might produce a little fish or two. ( oh, sorry again, you had a 2 weight with a home made fly. Gawd).

Oh, ...Oh... oh....now I get it.







Good to here from you Joe D. We need to go fishing again. I do like exploration, but there is something to be said about tried and true. Used to explore more. Do less of that these days.

13 minutes ago, joeD said:

The pursuit of a smallmouth Shangri La on some unnamed, hard to get, stream in Missouri in 2019 is a myth. Sure, one can catch 6 inch fish on some little esoteric tributary.

Ooops, sorry.  I forgot some people like to drive hours to catch minnows. (FU joeD, it's the experience, no, the JOURNEY, that matters).

I don't get it. There is a smorgasbord of great smallmouth fishing in public, easy to access areas, yet, for apparently many, it is preferable to suffer in the name of "exploring," to spend hours researching and driving and going to streams that might produce a little fish or two. ( oh, sorry again, you had a 2 weight with a home made fly. Gawd).

Oh, ...Oh... oh....now I get it.






It's like preachers daughter vs. a trip to the whorehouse, Joe 

You don't even wanna take a bath afterwards.  


Terrain mode on google maps can help find smaller creeks that may not pop up on the map view.   It'll show you the lay of the land also and if roads that end at a creek are way above it on a bluff or on a flat.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


The pursuit of a smallmouth Shangri La on some unnamed, hard to get, stream in Missouri in 2019 is a myth. Sure, one can catch 6 inch fish on some little esoteric tributary.

Ooops, sorry.  I forgot some people like to drive hours to catch minnows. (FU joeD, it's the experience, no, the JOURNEY, that matters).

I don't get it. There is a smorgasbord of great smallmouth fishing in public, easy to access areas, yet, for apparently many, it is preferable to suffer in the name of "exploring," to spend hours researching and driving and going to streams that might produce a little fish or two. ( oh, sorry again, you had a 2 weight with a home made fly. Gawd).

Oh, ...Oh... oh....now I get it.







Yeah, Mr Wrench,  the preacher's daughter as an untamed firecracker, ahem, is most often, again, a myth. The whorehouse, however, produces, without fanfare or fuss. And can, in the right circumstances, be SUBLIME.

9 hours ago, Al Agnew said:

Just want to point out that the guy that was shot was most likely drunk but was NOT a trespasser.  He had every right to be on a gravel bar on a floatable stream.

Turns out after the fact that he did, yes, but it also turns out that he got shot over it.  I guess he was dead? but he proved his rights. My point is that asking permission is free,  and it's my right to ask permission. Being polite and leaving if asked to by a landowner/lessee  is also my right. I guess we all have the "right" to do stupid things, although exercising that right might have consequences.  It is not a huge overstatement to say that an incident like this will happen again. It's a chance one takes when one becomes aggressive in dealing with unknown persons, with unknown issues. 

In the mind of the shooter at the moment it happened that camper WAS trespassing. Trespass is only  a charge or accusation until it goes to court. It is only true or false when the Judge says it is. I'd guess that half or more of all accusations of any sort are false or partially false, that is more or less why we have Courts, but one can still be shot or assaulted over an unproved accusation.. Happens all the time in domestic disputes. In the moment both the shooter and the dead guy were only "protecting their rights".

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