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3 hours ago, trythisonemv said:

They stacked up in outlet one really heavy.  The rain made it so easy to catch fish. I have nevercaught so many trout in my entire life. All afternoon evening and morning.  Just finished up on a three pound rainbow. Broke off a ten pound brown after three runs and ten minutes.had five browns over eighteen inches and two over twenty plus that 17 in smallie 

Nice job man!  Wish you could of landed that big one!

3 hours ago, Devan S. said:

Is outlet 1 right at the cable? The smaller outlet that just cascades down the rocks?

Next out fall down 


And now for the report ...after coming downfrom the clouds of fishing heaven....

So started last night at outlet one as the second was so stacked with people you couldnt cast. Threw double nymph rig bottom fly 18 gray scud with bead head and top fly red midge. Caught about twelve fish before braking off the midge. Then put on double scud and game on. Straight line no indicator justa sighter of fluorescent mono to track my flies. Started at bottom of falls and worked out towards main lake and repeated this catching fish every other drift it seemed. Met a nice man from georgia who was down playing some music on branson. He too was having decent luck with a tan san Juan worm and scud dropper under a thingamabobber. We talked and slayed the rainbows for a couple hours. Then moved down to outlet two as the rain ran everyone off. Here picked up my first two brownies. 17 &18 in consecutive casts. Then five or six colored up rainbows. Then took a break and visitedwith some fellas from Oklahoma under pavilion when lightening got too close for comfort. Rain settled down headed back out to outlet one and caught two more browns before hooking a big rainbow about four pounds. Broke a hole in my net which made for fun in the dark. Then back to above outlet two where i caught a few rainbows on a sculpin pattern and the a seventeen in smallie. Only had one eye but still fought hard. Then bed time. . This morning walked to outlet one in the dark and started my morning off with a twenty inch brown. The rest of the morning was one fish after another on double scuds until about 8 am when i hooked a massive Brown.  Ran up lake around an angler who had waded out above the outlet almost took his hat off.  Then it bulldogged me untilmy arm cramped and went back the other direction causing  slack which i intelligently recovers with a jerk and trip motion and broke him off. Jumped and made a good spectacle as i threw my rod down and threw up my hands.  Fished intil eleven catching fifteen or so more including another twenty plus inch Brown . Hada gentleman tell me that if caughtas many fish as i had theyd jave to take him to the ER lol made my day.

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