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I talked to a good friend today.  He is recovering from hip surgery.  During the conversation he mentioned his in-laws.  His father-in law has refused to wear a mask and limit his contacts.  He became ill.  Before he was diagnosed with Covid his wife became ill.  She too had Covid.   He pulled through.  She died.

Of course his wife couldn’t visit her mother when she was in the hospital.  She can’t even see her now because of the virus.  He said she is having a lot of trouble right now.   Stupid old fart.


My 86 year old Mother in Law has had I don’t care attitude until both my Brother in Law had it and one died. Now she is rethinking this.



No different than choosing not to wear a seatbelt. 

Some people get Covid and it's no worse than a case of the sniffles. Others get it and die.     Not enough is known about this bug.  And I personally go back & forth over whether it's even REAL or not.  Mainly because it seems that the only thing that can kill you these days is Covid.  

Sucks to say it, or hear it said, but population density is the REAL problem.   There's too many of us....and this is what happens.   🤷‍♂️


I just heard of the first thanksgiving family infection.  They had a family deal and all are sick.  Grandparents just went in the hospital.  Not looking good.  
We didn’t have thanksgiving with my kids and grandkids and we just canceled Christmas.  Rona sux!

1 hour ago, Dutch said:

 His father-in law has refused to wear a mask and limit his contacts.  He became ill.

Wearing the mask would not have kept him safe. Period. You wear the mask for other people. He and she got sick from exposure because some one else didn't wear the mask. Keep washing them hands they are the main way to get any virus.

1 hour ago, oneshot said:

My 86 year old Mother in Law has had I don’t care attitude until both my Brother in Law had it and one died. Now she is rethinking this.


She's 16 years past due already "three score and ten"...


and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years,
yet is their strength labor and sorrow;
for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.


9 hours ago, tjm said:

Wearing the mask would not have kept him safe. Period. You wear the mask for other people. He and she got sick from exposure because some one else didn't wear the mask. Keep washing them hands they are the main way to get any virus.

We obviously get our information from different sources.

1 hour ago, Dutch said:

We obviously get our information from different sources.

You must. everything I have read says the same. Wearing a mask only keeps you from spreading droplets containing the virus.

everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.

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