gotmuddy Posted December 8, 2020 Posted December 8, 2020 18 minutes ago, moguy1973 said: The only similarity is if you walk into the woods that contains no ticks you won't get a tick bite. Same as if you walk into a store and no one inside isn't infected with COVID19 you aren't going to get COVID19. That is what I was talking about. Of course the two ailments. are completely different. everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.
Al Agnew Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 12 hours ago, gotmuddy said: IMO there is only one version of the 'Rona, because the person who came into work sick and gave it to me had many symptoms, and I had Zero(also known as none, "0", zilch, nada). The difference between her and It is likely not even in my control, but I like to think its because I take care of my immune system(zinc, vitamin C/D). Anyone who has looked at the numbers of sick/deaths could see that unlike the "spanish flu" this disproportionately attacks the very elderly and the immuno-compromised. It makes considerably more sense for the people at high risk to quarantine/isolate, and the healthy people to GET the virus so it can burn through the population. Well, that only makes sense IF you receive complete immunity after getting it the first time. Burning through the population?'s real easy to say that people at high risk should quarantine/isolate, but in reality, how does ANYBODY do that? You still have to eat, and have to visit doctors, and maybe have to do a number of other things that potentially expose you. Even if you are very elderly and home-bound, bed-ridden, whatever, SOMEBODY has to come and take care of you, and that somebody can potentially be carrying the virus. We all know that no measure is 100% effective. We also know that there's a small possibility that you can pick it up from surfaces. You'd have to live in a bubble with no input from outside your bubble except for objects that are sterilized. And it's also really easy for people who AREN'T in high risk groups to say that those who are should just isolate themselves. But put yourself in their shoes for just a minute. I'm at higher risk than many, being 68 years old and having high blood pressure (controlled) and an occasional irregular heartbeat. I haven't been into a restaurant since this all started. We have done take-out food about a half dozen times since it started. We order most of what we need from online services like Amazon; haven't been anywhere actually shopping inside a store, except for a few times at the hardware store, with a list and taking no more time than it takes to pick up the stuff on the list. We do curbside pickup whenever possible, including at the grocery store. I have played basketball 2-3 times a week for most of my adult life; it's one of my biggest pleasures. Not anymore, and let me tell you, it really ticks me off because I know I don't have very many more years to play. I haven't fished with any of my buddies since this all started, either. Have only visited a few friends and family members in outdoor settings where we can social distance. many ways my quality of life sucks right now, and has since this started. So yeah, when I hear somebody say that if you are at risk, YOU take precautions and I'll do pretty much as I want, it rankles. If EVERYBODY had taken this seriously from the first, there's a real good chance we would have this under control now, with few enough cases that it would be possible to isolate the active cases, contact trace those who were exposed to them, and it would be fairly safe to do all those things I haven't been doing. Instead, the numbers, especially in Missouri, are through the roof and trending the wrong direction, the at risk people have to be more careful and more isolated than ever, and another our age, there's a greater chance that something besides Covid could happen that would necessitate a hospital visit--but now all the hospital beds are full because of Covid. And finally, before I end this rant, can we think about the people who get this disease and DON'T die, but have lengthy hospital stays, suffer through being very ill, have lingering effects for weeks or months, and may have long term effects that detract from their quality of life for years to come? What percentage is that? 10%? 20%? I've heard both figures. Do you really want to take THAT chance?
fishinwrench Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 14 hours ago, moguy1973 said: Put it this way, for 10 people to get Lyme disease or RMSF, there has to be 10 ticks since ticks die shortly after they fall off and won't bite twice. So ticks are born carrying Lyme, Ehrlichiosis, and RMSF ? If so, their numbers far exceed the number of Covid positive infectors (at least x10+) I still stand by my statement. Would you rather consider mosquitoes and Bird flu/west Nile/Zika/Malaria ?
gotmuddy Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 @Al Agnew How would we have "taken it seriously"? Every state has had a mask order for months. You yourself said lockdowns/quarantines don't work, so what else is there? It sounds insensitive to say high risk people need to quarantine, but if you look at it pragmatically that is the only solution that gets life back to "normal" fishinwrench, snagged in outlet 3 and tjm 3 everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.
Seth Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 I think before anybody who is sick enough for a hospital visit due to Covid, they need to answer this question. What's more important to you? Masking up and not hanging around large crowds to prevent the spread of a highly contagious virus or "muh freedums"? If you say "muh freedoms", then you don't get hospital treatment since you don't feel that Covid should be taken seriously. Seems fair to me and the patients concerned about their freedoms should understand completely. snagged in outlet 3 1
tjm Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 Shouldn't encounter many large crowds while in hospital.
gotmuddy Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 2 hours ago, Seth said: I think before anybody who is sick enough for a hospital visit due to Covid, they need to answer this question. What's more important to you? Masking up and not hanging around large crowds to prevent the spread of a highly contagious virus or "muh freedums"? If you say "muh freedoms", then you don't get hospital treatment since you don't feel that Covid should be taken seriously. Seems fair to me and the patients concerned about their freedoms should understand completely. They have canceled anything and everything that constitutes large crowds here...EXCEPT shopping. Apparently all the wal-marts were packed(hearsay, I would never go). One thing to keep in mind is a high percentage of people who contract this deadly disease have no idea they have it because they show no symptoms(put me in that list). We still do not even know if asymptomatic people are communicable. I definitely understand wearing masks, but if your high risk you need to be more careful. everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.
Seth Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 I don't know how I haven't had it yet considering my fiance that I'm constantly around works around Covid patients all the time. She had a minor sinus infection for a few days after being exposed to a Covid positive coworkers, but her tests came back negative. It's hard for me to believe that she was actually negative after being exposed and developing symptoms 5 days later considering she is never sick with anything. I worry more about me bringing it to somebody else more so than myself getting it and suffering from it. That's part of why I skipped Jigfest this year as well as other get together type shin digs in the past month. It's such a weird virus. A big part of my family was exposed to my brother in law during deer season and not a single one of them became symptomatic within that two week window. In other similar instances everybody gets ends up getting it and developing symptoms.
gotmuddy Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 43 minutes ago, Seth said: It's such a weird virus. A big part of my family was exposed to my brother in law during deer season and not a single one of them became symptomatic within that two week window. In other similar instances everybody gets ends up getting it and developing symptoms. I think it has alot to do with your genetics and more importantly taking care of your immune system. Seth 1 everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.
fishinwrench Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 I can only speak for myself and my circle of contacts, but I can confidently say that if the media had never even mentioned Covid, and noone was constantly talking about it, then nobody would even think that anything was out of the ordinary. I mean honestly, the funeral homes in my area of the state aren't any busier now than they usually are. I haven't noticed their hearses running around all over the place or anything. Can't even remember the last time I had to pull over and remove my hat. Are casket and tombstone makers having a banner year? I would expect they'd be hiring. No? Backhoe operators are still anxious for jobs. It isn't like they are "buried with work". (pun intended) 😁 making holes in cemetery's. For real though..... I'll start getting concerned when life insurance companies begin going bankrupt. Basfis 1
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