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4 hours ago, snagged in outlet 3 said:

Yeah but you got that trolling motor in your back pocket.   I think you’re going to be fine 😆

Those Fortrex mounts are among the most over-engineered things in the boating world.   Older boats weren't built sturdy enough in the bow to handle that heavy of a trolling motor bolted to them.   Adding that much weight to the bow sure helps the hole-shot, but one trip across some rough water and the whole nose of the boat starts getting ripped apart. 🙄 

If you can't lift it off the floor with ONE HAND then it's probably too heavy to be bolting it to the top cap of a bass boat.  I'm surprised (and disappointed) that the designers didn't consider that.


Legally, black vultures are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 . https://www.fws.gov/laws/lawsdigest/migtrea.html   Their migratory range extends for thousands of miles from North America to the lower portions of South America, crossing national boundaries. It is illegal to harm or take (kill) black vultures without a permit.



My question about vulture problems is why people dump hundreds of  fish carcasses on the bank like at the Rt. 10 bridge except to attract them?  some one dumped what looked a 30 gal tub full there while I was walking up and back. The fresh  pile had the square shape of a cooler so they were hauled there not cleaned there. But even cleaning a few fish or leaving bait containers is an attractant to the vultures.

The old  cleaning station at RRSP was overrun with them and when that was shut down many trout carcasses were dropped on the bank or in shallow water and the vultures found those.  It looks like people want the vultures to come.

15 minutes ago, tjm said:


When your insurance company raises your rates after a couple Vulture Damage claims, just forward that LINK to them.  I'm sure they'll readjust your writer. 😅


They should ask if you are feeding the the things. What are you doing to attract them?


33 minutes ago, tjm said:

My question about vulture problems is why people dump hundreds of  fish carcasses on the bank like at the Rt. 10 bridge except to attract them?  some one dumped what looked a 30 gal tub full there while I was walking up and back. The fresh  pile had the square shape of a cooler so they were hauled there not cleaned there. But even cleaning a few fish or leaving bait containers is an attractant to the vultures.

The old  cleaning station at RRSP was overrun with them and when that was shut down many trout carcasses were dropped on the bank or in shallow water and the vultures found those.  It looks like people want the vultures to come.

We leave plenty of food on the highways for the vultures !

If we were allowed to assault the ones that are causing problems then they'd quickly learn where they can get fed....and where they CAN'T.     That method works just fine for coyotes, coons, and everything else.   Jus'sayin. 

Being friendly to them only reinforces their lack of fear of 2-legged critters like us people.  And the concerns of them becoming extinct isn't on the table right now.

1 hour ago, tjm said:


My question about vulture problems is why people dump hundreds of  fish carcasses on the bank like at the Rt. 10 bridge except to attract them? 


Because it’s convenient and free. 


For the life of me I cannot understand why a nuisance invasive species like black buzzards have the MDC protecting them.  To the point it's a thing for Farm Bureau to help their members get permits to control them.  And if I understand correctly, depradation permits are only given to cattle operations.  Might as well start protecting Mimosa and Bradford Pear.  

vulture-flier.pdf (mofb.org)

I understand the fact that Missouri's wildlife code is prescriptive - i.e. if the animal and method aren't listed in the code, it's not legal - but for real - these things are a problem.  Ask a native turkey buzzard if you can still find one.  The codes need to open season on them for everyone, everywhere by any method,.  Come on MDC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, get into the real world what say?

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