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Everything posted by Ham

  1. The otters I have seen on the 11 Pt were eating crawfish. Lots and lots more people on the 11 Pt than otters. Just sayin.
  2. Did you catch any non trout species?
  3. bummer on the dead turtles. I wonder what killed them. Fish kills below dams I attribute to poor oxygen levels etc., but what took out the heroes on a half shell ?
  4. It is my perverse Honor to have taken a well-travelled and accomplished angler to what he said was " the ugliest water" he had ever fished. Lol, it was just another day in my fishing life.
  5. On FishMap you can search by watershed name or click a point on a map. as I stated, it is not 100% accurate as I have caught fish that I was certain of the ID and they are not listed in that watershed.
  6. That’s not a common shiner. It looks like a Notropis species. FishMap.org would help you know what swims there. Not 100% accurate, but very helpful
  7. I’d LOVE a Common Shiner. Striped Shiner is all I have access to.
  8. 82) Gizzard Shad I hooked several more on the dropper fly, but the combo of current and them freaking out helped them spot it. this guy ate the #10
  9. It’s not one or the other. Those jobs are physically demanding, but other jobs are too. You are either completely unaware of the subject you are commenting on or you’re trolling. Have Fun, I’m done on this one.
  10. I appreciate that Marty, but I don’t know that would say that. Fishes more obsessively (FIFY) Look those guys choose to fish professionally, so that’s on them. But it ain’t easy street by any means. The tourny days are the easy days. The travel, the time away from family, the stress of trying to win and secure sponsors, the daylight to dark practices, going out and fishing hard in all weather. I wanted to fish professionally ; I wanted to go all over the country and learn all the techniques to catch bass in all those different environments, but I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my marriage and my family. I would not have handled the stress well. I could not have kept a level keel and it would have eaten away at me that I wasn’t providing for my children as well as I could have at a real job. I have a lot of respect for how hard they work. It is very physically and mentally demanding and it takes a toll on their bodies. If you think it is easier than your average day job, you’re ignorant or in denial. They aren’t necessarily the best fishermen and certainly they aren’t all model citizens. I still think it’s a much harder gig than many realize.
  11. I respectfully disagree
  12. 81) Atlantic Silverside I struggled to get one this year. It was Easy peasy last year. Hopefully, the last one I’ll ever catch. Excessively fragile. I think every one I’ve ever caught has died on me.
  13. Sounds like a Good trip
  14. I’m a part time fly guy and I find it hard to use all the rods I have. Only semi joking about setting up a rotation
  15. That older gear brings you joy. That's Great ! I hope you enjoy it. You might have to set up a formal rotation to use them all.
  16. Ham

    Hits and Misses

    The big ones of what species ?
  17. Heat has me staying closer to home on Friday and focusing on fishing before noon (and maybe again after 5 PM) Hoping for a couple of Fun trips next week.
  18. Ham

    Hits and Misses

    I saw some type of Shad feeding in some flow. Likely a small skipjack. I was trying to confirm when I got this guy.
  19. Ham

    Hits and Misses

  20. Ham

    Hits and Misses

    I told Johnny I would catch a Bluegill
  21. Ham

    Hits and Misses

    ubiquitous sunfish
  22. Ham

    Hits and Misses

    I was happy to see some water running
  23. So, I made the trek north again today. I had a nice visit with @Cajunangler and then fished the spillway area on the James river for a couple of hours. i got a tip about possible walleye there and there could be who knows what there. it was pretty Gosh Darn Hot Today. I drank 84 oz in the two hours I was there and I’m not sure that was enough. Water quality was poor. Fouls smells and appearance. I felt pretty sketchy wading in it, but for the right fish an infected leg is worth it. I caught no walleye. I saw some Brook Silversides, but I did not hook the ones that bit my fly. I worked multiple groups of gizzard Shad feeding on the rocks trying for a reaction strike. It did not happen. I caught 14 small fish. i have pics, but can’t upload them. The long and the short of it is that I am making lots of trips trying for new species on fly and they often are not successful in getting a new species, but I’m paying my dues and hoping that I will catch more species along the way.
  24. That’s Awesome. Kinda jealous, but Super Happy for you.
  25. What size hook does this jighead have?
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