I worked until 16:30. I sprinted home and checked on the puppies and got stuff ready as fast as I could. I had a couple little things to take care of, but finally got on the water and fishing around 18:00. I knew that I was up against it because heavy fog develops over the river in the evening when it is hot and humid. I have seen this happen as early as 17:00 so the clock was ticking. I was hoping to get to fish until 19:30.
I launched at Quarry Park. Started in the first pool below the launch. It took a few casts, but soon I was into a chunky rainbow. I am surprised at the quality of the fish you can still catch in there despite the best efforts of the bait brigade. That area gets a TON of Power Bait and earthworm pressure. Not a shocker to anyone. I was fishing Zig Jigs on Nanofil. I am throwing the 1/16 oz in a little bigger water than I used to. Richard Cross has beat me down multiple times when I stuck to 1/8 oz. Once I switched to 1/16 oz I started catching them also soooo I learned a lesson.
I worked my way down the row of trout docks picking up a fish here and there several of which were really nice fish. Dropped down into Long Hole. I caught a couple more SLOB rainbows. Then I screwed up. I caught my first Brook Trout of the year. I immediately started fishing for The Slam. I've never caught all four species in one day. For all intents and purposes, a Slam is only going to happen on Norfork. Norfork seems to hold more Cutts and Brookies than the White or maybe their relatively low numbers get diluted by the over size of the trout water in the White, but regardless I catch more Cutts and Brookies in the Norfork than I do in the White, but it is not a large number in either river.
I don't fish the Norfork a lot. The water level just doesn't cooperate very often. Its often too low and I don't have enough float buddies or its too much flow for me to fish and run the boat safely. 1 unit is manageable, but you better pay attention and your motor better start first pull or just leave it running. Two full units on the Norfork and I can guide a buddy and let him fish, but I cant fish with him. its just too dangerous in my opinion. So my chances at a Slam are limited.
So here I am. I got the hardest part of the slam out of the way, but I'm halfway thru my fishing trip that IF I'm lucky was going to last 90 minutes. I start pounding the bank throwing my little Zig Jig in harms way around all the wood and slack water tight to the bank I can find. I'm picking up big fat Rainbows and cussing them for not being a Brown or a Cutt. Then a real nice fish glides out from behind some wood and slurps the jig. I set up on him and its a big ole Cutt. 18 inch range. I get 3 of 4 big head shakes out of him and then the hook slips out. Multiple F bombs later I'm still heartbroken. I know my chance at a Slam is toast.
I kept at it, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. Never raised a Brown. I did catch a tiny little Cutt right at the end of the trip that wiggled like an earthworm with a bionic robin reflex. Cute, but tiny. I finished with 17 fish caught. I had hoped to get another drift down by the trout docks but fog was really settling in and that is pretty creepy to run thru. There were a couple of other boats still fishing that I had to avoid on my way back to the ramp. No fish is worth dying for and it was time to call it.