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Everything posted by Ham

  1. 12) Bluegill I will get Bigger and Prettier ones soon
  2. 11) Ozark Sculpin
  3. I look forward to seeing those numbers
  4. Dang, I’m too late reading this. If something falls apart let know.
  5. Man those Table Rock Footballs are such pretty fish. Great Job Jeff!
  6. What you don’t know won’t hurt you I guess
  7. I think they had too many yahoo’s catching and killing Sharks of ignorance. I think the permit is as much about education as anything. There minimum length limits on some and others are total catch and release. I don’t think they want the big ones drug around on the ground and killed out of disregard.
  8. Special permits are required if shark fishing from shore.
  9. Is that a thing? I am ok with low cost and questionable quality if I will have rare chance to use it
  10. I wish I had a sand flea rake
  11. Bluefish can be thick off the coast of Louisiana. Ladyfish can cut you off. Needlefish too. Barracuda of course. try a little fluro leader that might help, but I fished 2 and 6 lb mono in the surf without too much of an issue.
  12. That’s Awesome Man! Good for you and that was very nice of him.
  13. I’d take those to a service and have them put on a cd and a SD card off in it were me. I know of a place in Fayetteville, AR
  14. While we are not advising people to pre-medicate, I have not heard any downside to taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen with the vaccine.
  15. I’m Sorry for your loss. That’s tough. I do appreciate all of y’all’s efforts to cate for your Mom. I look forward to you moving closer. It’s always good to have more friends in the extended neighborhood. I hope we can fish together in 2021.
  16. People are worse on fish populations than otters. Back when you guys were whining about otters wiping out the fish, it was relatively easy to go catch over 100 fish a day on a creek float. Now that everybody owns a yak or two, fishing is noticeably worse.
  17. And people used to shoot every road runner they saw because they were convinced road runners were why the quail numbers were down. people have no right to kill animals they don’t like just because. If you kill animals out of season, with illegal means, or wantonly waste them that defines you as a poacher.
  18. I’d love to get a Cabezon
  19. 10) Ozark Bass
  20. 9) Dusky Striped Shiner
  21. Loving that color
  22. 8) Knobfin Sculpin
  23. A lot of the pics are little ones, but they are the first of the year of that species. I guess I still play favorites with fish. I’ll take all the Green Bass I can catch.
  24. Ham


    Pretty fish
  25. Millions of doses given and a couple dozen serious reactions. I had some arm soreness and I was a little off my game today.
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