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Everything posted by Ham

  1. If you fished the lower 36 years ago, you probably won’t be in love with the erosion that has taken place.
  2. Dang
  3. I spent my last hour of fishing in 2020 in a cold wind trying for a Banded Sculpin. I caught 17 Knobfin and Zero Banded. I took Pics. Deleted most of them.
  4. Mexico happened, Nebraska happened, Waldo on the Strawberry happened, and PB Redear with Quillback happened. I had ZERO Benjamin’s but twenty two 50 Burgers. I got out in Waldo 30 times. I fished with 14 different people in 2020 0 American Eels caught. 83 Species. 24 Lifers. 2892 Total fish caught and 102 total trips made. COVID SUCKS but I had a decent fishing year.
  5. Embrace the dark side Pete.
  6. Image that four miles if they made it single hook barbless catch and release only, but the canned corn syndicate won’t let that happen.
  7. I know someone else that wants to catch a fallfish.
  8. Ham


    As it turns out, I am the jealous kind. I just get further and further behind.
  9. I’ve waited as long as I could. Most years I make it Christmas and some years closer to New Year’s Day, but this year nahhhhhhh. Goal #1 Is a result of my relatively recent unhealthy obsession with species variety and my #LifeList. Goal #1 is catch 100 Species for the year. Goal #2 @FishnDave and @BilletHeadhas inspired me to pick up the long rod more often. I want to catch 25 species on the fly rod. Goal #3 I hope to live long enough to retire and still be healthy enough to fish , a lot. I hope to fish 4 days a week once retired. So, this year I hope to fish half as often as I want to. 104 trips. Goal #4 2500 fish caught Goal #5 Catch fish in 10 states with 3 states being new to my list of states fished. The 40 in 40 fiasco continues. The 2021 silliness will start 1/1/21. Good Luck and Good Fishing in 2021
  10. I guess I am always going to be the iconoclast ; I got some of the 5 fish jigheads like 18 months ago. I thought I would love them. I do not. I will not be buying more. I wouldn’t even take free ones. when available, Fish Arrow makes some decent ones, but DO NOT leave a Zinker on them. The hook will quickly get degraded by the salt. I like the Berkeley 1/2 heads. Also hard to get these days. No weed guard, but that’s not always a problem. They work well with a man plastic
  11. I need to say that to you when you fish out of my boat.
  12. The new Minimum Flow doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the inconsistent reporting of water changes and unreliable generation predictions. We are days away from 2021 and they still don’t have horns downriver every mile or so that would alert you to water level increases. The horn at the dam is handy if you near the dam, but useless for 3/4 of the river. Heck, ,just adding a horn at McClellands and Ackerman would make a huge difference.
  13. It’s a long walk out if they turn the water on
  14. I hope you are able to get the battery replaced under warranty. I have heard of multiple lithium’s going nuclear. I’m glad you had an ok outcome, I appreciate you taking your boy fishing,
  15. I can’t fish that long for that little reward. Dave, if you’re willing to travel, I can put you on fish.
  16. I’d actually give someone $5 if they did!
  17. @FishnDave You’ll get your chance My Man.
  18. Well, I think that it’s time to admit my failure. I am not going to be able to get to 100 species this year. There will be no Fishmas miracle. my failure to add more species on the Big Piney Trip, the Mayo Ditch trip, and the trip to North Carolina kept me from getting at trouble and home and work because if I had gotten to 90, I would have driven south to salty water in Louisiana to add species and stopped to get a few more push overs in fresh water. fishing is so quirky. Normally, I get a Long Nosed Gar w/o much trouble. I hung a half nosed and lost some boat side, but I did not consider them “caught” . Normally, I get a few Northern Hog Sucker, but not this year . I have a couple more chances, but no chestnut lamprey yet. I can’t get my poop together enough to get with @LittleRedFishermanfor a Flathead. weather and distance cost me a shot at a Striper with @Quillback while none of those fish where gimmies, that’s five species that I’ve got to have to get to 100. still too early for me to roll out my fishing goals for 2021, but I promise 2021 is going to get my FULL effort to get to 100 species. Then, I will be done with trying for total number of species and just sprinkle in obsessions over individual lifer species and locations. I will clean up this thread and add scientific names (before they change again). I’m going to fish today, 12/25, and 12/28 so I might still add a species or two but if I get stuck at 83 and match @Johnsfolly’s high water mark that seems pretty fitting to me. Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy New Year! Let’s Hope 2021 is Better than 2020 has been.
  19. Gravel moves c2 around a little and the new minimum flow is a lot more than the old days
  20. I feel like I have fished from the ramp down to the first hard rifle before the camps/ trout docks on minimum flow.
  21. Dumb to shuttle when you have an outboard. There FIFY.
  22. Shuttling was dumb ; that was Hoglaw’s idea
  23. Below Shipp’s Ferry
  24. It was My Pleasure Rick.
  25. Thank You! Come down and fish from it
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