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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Phil has some pics
  2. More troubling is what they are doing on the White. The reporting has been screwed up so who knows what is really happening, but they are showing that they are only running a trickle of water. Way less than minimum flow. Thag would definitely mean waders and the long rod for me. I need to prep for that,
  3. The short answer is Maybe If you have waders and you’re willing to get out and work the boat around the bigger rocks. you can yak it on minimum flow and only drag a few times. a better solution would be to watch water levels Super closely and work you way down with the falling water. I probably won’t abuse Waldo that way. I’m not sure why they won’t just run water at 1/2 unit for a 6 hour block. That would be AWESOME.
  4. Ok Phil and Guest are with mE on Friday. Phil leave your boat at home. It won’t hurt to bring waders.
  5. You’ll fish Norfork , IF they run some water
  6. We might want to do a little pre-Planning. i will not know where I want to fish until I see what the water will be doing on each day waldo will be running the River Friday, Saturday, and 1/2 a day Sunday. I have 2 open spots Friday and Saturday. I have one open spot on Sunday.
  7. Man, John stealing My Thunder. I believe they are well established in the White River. I have caught them from a half a dozen places from within sight of Gaston’s to below the Buffalo River. I anticipate catching them in the Buffalo and Crooked Creek eventually, but I have not done so yet.
  8. 83) Blue Cat pardon the distortion. I caught four baby Blue Catfish below Bagnell Dam. I was surprised at the number of Bluegill I caught while cat fishing. Makes me think flatheads might prowl There at night. I wish I had been able to fish a full day there. Waldo would do well there.
  9. Gee Whiz. Peterson Guide Book didn’t do me any favors. I can’t use my Fishes of AR book since they decided we don’t have Ozark Sculpin. Thanks for the update John!
  10. 82) Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) An invasive species that I wish wasn’t here. Silver Carp and Bighead Carp are going to become a large part of the biomass in the waters they invaded. Lots of taxpayer dollars will be used to reduce there numbers. It would not surprise me if we had to start buying a Carp stamp to generate the revenue they will need to fight them. but if they are here, I might as well catch one of each.
  11. 81) Ozark Sculpin (Cottus hypselurus) I had to drive, but I got it done.
  12. I got my Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) Today. I drove to Bagnell Dam and got it done. I saw a Silver Carp caught, but time ran out. Next time
  13. Are you just trolling John at this point ?
  14. I’d love to do the same. Lengthy trailer for me to get there.
  15. 9 foot 5 wt. I tie in a tippet ring once it gets down to 7.5 foot or so and then you can add whatever length/strength you want.
  16. Just you and Landon?
  17. Here’s CajunAngler with a Full Grown one from Bull Shoals. Ned.
  18. Ham


    You got pretty excited over the BIG crappie on Big Cypress and on the creature of the deep that got away
  19. Ham


    With more time around you, I guess that is your version of excited.
  20. Ham


    >20 inch SMB are Special anywhere. My PB was 21 3/4. Squeaky close to 22. It came from the White River of all places.
  21. Hang Tough Cody. Speedy Recovery.
  22. Chartreuse over orange is THE color, but Magenta over White is Good too as is Orange over White.
  23. Man that’s Awesome! I’m Jealous Of your trip. I’d really suggest you clean your fish after each day. An otter is going treat your dock like a drive through eventually.
  24. We should all be aware of how things are trending and consider if we should attend. Cases are surging right now in this area and Nationwide. I would not stay in a Lodge right now and my presence at Jigfest this year is going to be largely in my boat. I love you guys, but I am very concerned about getting my Inlaws ill and bringing the virus into my workplace. I still plan on fishing Friday/Saturday/Sunday, but that’s all depends on me being healthy and what my Hospital needs. I could easily see a scenario where we lose enough ppl to illness that I work 20-30 days straight without a day off.That is the last thing I want to do, but it might happen.
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