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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I have caught crappie on them
  2. Really pretty Jig BTW
  3. I like the FNF game, but I have had minimal success.
  4. Excellent!
  5. Who caught the first fish in the new boat?
  6. I bet I know where the bass came from.
  7. Has the Twinkie Zone been established for the new boat ?
  8. That’s great Eric! Enjoy that sucker.
  9. Who you got with you Eric?
  10. Nope. I struggle with that on the creeks.
  11. I concur. I can do down to top of C&R with my Jet with minimum flow, but that's it.
  12. Good question. I assume 654 on mine, but YMMV.
  13. I was wondering about the fishing. I would think the necessity to cover "X" number of miles a day negatively impacts fishing. Good Deal on the Gator Gar !
  14. I'm sure the goose is tasty. I'm saying I'm glad I AM not on YOUR menu.
  15. "So I shot him in the face" Gee Whiz, I'm glad I'm not a goose. Or on the menu.
  16. 14 degrees at 8 AM has its benefits
  17. It was a Great day of fishing and camaraderie. I mostly managed to keep it off my mind that This would be my last fishing trip with John for a while. Distance made it tough as it was, but Maryland is a long way for a day trip. We literally left spots when we got tired of catching fish there. Crazy but true. I’m thrilled John caught that banded, but more than a little pissed I did not. It bit me twice, but I did not noticed my tiny little hook was all jacked up. Try try again I suppose. Marty is a force with his fly rod. Proud of him. He makes me want to use mine fly rods more, but the negative influence on me being able to catch fish discourages me. I am regretful that I did not take more pictures especially of John fishing or the classic stoic John with personal best fish. Loved the day. Thanks Felllas.
  18. During my Louisiana days, long drives were required to fish smallies or Trout. 3 hours each way. The 3 hours there was filled with anticipation; the 3 hours back was filled with smiles and satisfaction (and exhaustion). Eventually, I moved closer.
  19. I typically wait for the water to be Mid 40’s and on the increase before I start lake fishing. I am sure that you can go any day of the year and catch some fish, but I would rather go enjoy a day of trout catching then struggle to get a 1/2 dozen bites from bass in the lake. other ppl may feel exactly the opposite and that’s fine by me.
  20. Soooooo, why are you guys still going if the fishing is marginal? I’d rather drive hours and catch fish than fish close and struggle. I heart #FossilFuels
  21. There is no safe speed. You either run the canals or you don’t. I thought it was a dumb place to hold a tournament, but they don’t ask me. I don’t think Ike was any less safe than the other guys. I think he rolled the dice and came up snake eyes. I saw lots of guys doing truly ignorant and unsafe things on the Red River tournaments and lots of them tore up hulls and lower units as a result. There are areas where there are long slow idles through stump fields to get to back water areas. You can’t run that stuff very long without tearing your stuff up, but they tried. It was crazy.
  22. Gee Whiz Jeff did you see the area they were fishing when Ike had his accident? Narrow canals that have fallen logs in them under the water’s surface. All the competitors ran miles and miles to get to better fishing. it was VERY lucky that Ike and his guy weren’t hurt, but it was an accident, and most likely an unavoidable accident IF you tried to run that canal that had an under water log in just the wrong spot. I used to run that kinda stuff all the time, but our boats were much smaller and our motors only pushed us at 30 MPH. I don’t think I could run that stuff in my BassCat.
  23. I hate it when that happens
  24. 👏🏻 We’re not worthy
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