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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Dang It! Slipped my mind. It would have been a great night for me too. Dang.
  2. I'm hoping to find that $20 range. Crude prices are way down , but outboard motor oil is stuck up there.
  3. I'll be able to visit Thursday Night and Friday Night. I'll fish on Friday and Saturday. My wife and I have a diner date for Saturday Night. I love you guys, but my wife has to dibs on that Saturday Night. I have a boat and two open seats. I look forward to fishing with somebody. I hope.
  4. Years ago, I caught a great sale at Academy and stocked up on Quicksilver Premium Plus. I am finally reaching the end of that supply. I will be calling local marine dealers to check their prices, but I wondered what others where able to find for bulk oil. I have plenty of jugs to refill. I expect the price will better than buying sealed gallons from Wal Mart, but I just don't know what the going rate is these days.
  5. CF4, you know there s a 1-800 number for TW right?
  6. The Current is not trecherous. I'm pretty comfortable running my little jet rig on it. Of course, a person should only run where they are comfortable, but I think y'all should give it a whirl.
  7. I would have slung the Vomit Rig on a 1/16 oz head around those docks. Just sayin.
  8. If the guys in glitter boats have a problem with it, so be it. I have a glitter boat, but as long as your boat meets tourney requirements for safety of you and the fish. rock on.
  9. Not all of us have PC's and printers. Just sayin.
  10. Look at item number IK-81-8575
  11. I needed another pair of water proof boots for the coming winter season. I can't effectively fish during a cold, hard rain with wet feet. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money though. I had a nice pair of Gore Tex hikers that lasted years and did a great job, but they were over $200. I saw a chance to get 20% off Cabela's branded stuff with free shipping so I took a chance on these Water Proof Mid height hikers. I don't have a lot of experience with them yet, but Im happy so far. The cosmetics are nice. They really aren't very heavy. I fished all day in an off and on rain which soaked my boat and gear, but my feet stayed nice and dry. I had some concerns about the tread of the boots being ungainly in the boat, but that doesn't seem to be an issue at all. I'm pretty pleased with my purchase. I only have about $80 in these boots and I think they are going to do everything I need. I wouldn't try to hike the Appalachian Trail in them, but I will rely on them to keep my feet dry as I fish this Fall/Winter.
  12. Very nice as always. It's easy for me to get spoiled by the White/Norfork rivers since I live so close to them and the fishing is usually very productive, but I will quietly say that the trout fishing on the NFOW, 11 Pt, and Spring River can all be VERY rewarding.
  13. Awww Man, don't sweat it. I'm told color doesn't matter.
  14. I swear that you have to have caught every bass in the Big M area by now. At least once.
  15. Really? I'm not at all in favor of that.
  16. that's great man! I'm really happy for you both.
  17. What about a dark smoke with black flake over clear with copper flake?
  18. Ham


    So basically we know they are from Beaver creek all the way down lake to the junction with the Theodosia Creek arm and up the Theodosia arm to just south of the Hwy 160 bridge. I'll keep my eyes open, but I would expect them to be in every major part of the lake to some extent by next Spring next year.
  19. Several of the JK boats are tough to tote around by yourself. The Coosa HD was a little too expensive and too heavy for me to consider.
  20. Ham


    Last fall I saw PLENTY of them along bluffs down lake from Big Creek. I have not been on BSL since July. I expect to lose a lot more FB head jigs.
  21. The chatroom is a lonely place.
  22. I still love dragging a tube and grub although I was told that Ned fishing would make me put both of them down for good.
  23. I wasn't there, but I think they pulled the prop shaft.
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