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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham

    Jigfest 2020

    It will not be, but I do find it Very interesting that there are all but Zero stories about Covid 19 in other countries anymore. Is Covid 19 not an issue around the planet? Are we doing better or worse than other countries? It seems like if we were doing worse then it would be important to know how we could improve. It seems like if we were doing better than some of countries that the Trump administration would deserve a liottle credit for that.
  2. What did Woodward have to say about Cuomo sending Covid positive NH residents back to the facilities? When they had options? When it was known that elderly patients did much worse on average with the infection than other adults ?
  3. Dang I had a little leverage on you, but it sure didn't last very long. Good Job John! Please Give Sue and Livie Kudos for me.
  4. Are you SURE that was a Smallmouth Buffalo ? Couldn't it be a Black Buffalo ?
  5. I’m Glad got herself a photo carp. Who else in your family can you hose on Their first carp?
  6. Very Nice!
  7. Put that female doggy on a jighead and fish it almost any time and any where. They just get bit. can be boring to do a slow steady retrieve back to boat, but that is often the best retrieve. . Throw it early. Throw it late. Throw it shallow, in between, and deep. At shorelines, schoolers, points, and docks.
  8. Don’t sleep on the Z man swim baits. I throw a mix of Z Man and Keitech mostly.
  9. Completely unnecessary.
  10. Location, Location, Location. We all have to play the cards we are dealt.
  11. Dave is just on fire !
  12. I would suggest you pick up a 99 cent bottle of Dawn dish soap to do some pre-cleaning on the river
  13. Ahhh Table Rock
  14. Ham

    Jigfest 2020

    COE has stated public ally that they are going to run water through 11/22/2020. I prefer 2000 CFS, but I can catch em in 25,000 CFS. If I can, you can.
  15. Best value, Perception Pescador
  16. I'm holding off until 9/30 for a Full Update. Spoiler Alert: I'm at 16 Lifers for the year.
  17. He spent more than a dollar catching him. I'm Jealous though
  18. Looks like he got the OK to sell it finally
  19. Checkered Mad Tom was the food item.
  20. Jealous of the Golden Shiners for Sure. It sure sounds like you had a Good couple of days
  21. 8 mikes in 5 hours instead really grinding on them. I’m sure I left fish untouched.
  22. The Pain, The Pain. Poor John has to struggle through catching those fish.
  23. Ham


    It’s my fault, but the overnight low here was 82. That’s Awful.
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