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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Rodmaker

  1. Looking for a new ozark anglers tee shirt. Went to Lillys Landing yesterday and they don't carry them anymore. My old one is done wore out!
  2. AND.....Here we are arguing about facebook with 5 pages of comments JUST like facebook! JEEZ!
  3. I fished yesterday from aunts creek up to campers point and saw dozens of white bass and 1 very large paddle fish floating.
  4. Ken, I may make you up on that. By the way, I am ready for your broken rod. Give me a shout.
  5. Best wishes to you and your family. I have enjoyed your posts the last few years. Good luck!
  6. "if you build it, they will come"
  7. Thanks for the info guys. I went up to Galena last weekend and walked the old Y Bridge. Pretty cool spot. I'll have to wade it sometime. Water was quite low.
  8. I was reading the Saturday morning fishing report in the local paper and they have a report for the James River arm and the James River. What would be considered the " boundary line" between the two. I recently retired to the lake and am looking forward to spending time trying to figure this old girl out. I live on point 10. (aunts creek). Thanks.
  9. Great info dollar. Nice to see people post their techniques.
  10. All the best to you and your family Dave.
  11. Well, here we go. Now it's age discrimination in fishing tournaments.
  12. Two weeks to retirement. After vacationing on the rock for 38 years, the wife and I will be building a home on Pioneer Point. (point 10 aunts creek). We will be full time residents. My Ozark Anglers hat and tee shirt have been with me when I fished Alaska, Canada, California, Florida, Louisiana and many other spots in between. I must say that I am proud to be a member of this forum and consider many to be my friends, even though I don't personally know you. I look forward to finally moving down there and meeting some of you folks. Sometimes, dreams do come true. PS: I will be needing some new fishing buddies.
  13. I run a 99 Johnson 130 on my rig. I have been extremely happy with it. I am going to need a little carb work done on it this spring, but besides that, it's just been the general maintenance issues.
  14. Dave, best of luck to you and your family. Sending prayers your way.
  15. Rodmaker


    Would a huge shad kill be a good thing?
  16. After reading about this book on a post here a couple of weeks ago, I ordered a used copy from Amazon. ($9.89). When I received it, I opened it up, and on the inside front cover, it was signed by Glen Andrews and Shane Andrews. Quite surprised. It was a good read. Lots of history. I was, however, disappointed to see all stringers of fish in the old photographs. But, I guess that's the way it was back then. Does any one know if Glen is still with us, or has he passed away?
  17. This is a go to bait I use very often. I 2nd the motion.
  18. Pioneer point up the James. Point 10 by aunts creek. (you know, that place on the lake with no fish in it.) Thanks everyone for your comments. I currently have Verizon, I guess I'll stick with it.
  19. I know this is a off topic question for this forum, but I was wondering what the best cell phone company, for reception etc. for southwest Missouri. I and the spouse will be retiring and moving down there within a year. I currently have Verizon and it seems to be pretty good regardless of where I go. Thanks.
  20. Although I didn't know Bill personally, I feel like I have a connection to him through Ozark Anglers. All I ever heard about Bill was good. RIP Bill. My condolences to his family.
  21. I have a cabin on a small lake in southern Illinois just north of Paducah ky. We just happen to be just about ground zero in the path of totality. Hoards of people expected. We will be sitt'in in the pontoon boat in the middle of the lake watching. Weather looks great. Looking forward to it.
  22. Nice fish Seth..... However, you need a Cubs tee shirt.... Lol
  23. It wouldn't seem to me that for a private dock (12 to 20 slips) that it would take a very sophisticated solar system to run it. Your looking at lights, outlets at slips and boat lifts, used sporadically at best. It would take a much larger solar array with a considerably higher battery storage capacity to even run a private home. Being a slip owner, this news concerns me, but at least the dock I'm on doesn't store any "tuna" rigs!
  24. Dave, pearl was the color for the eyes!
  25. Why screw around with something that works. Anything else is just a grub on a jig head. Just got back from Canada fishing the Berens River system in Northern Manitoba for walleye. We started with the usual 3/8 & 1/2 Oz. Jig heads with twister tails. After the first day, I switched to the Ned on Dave's heads and we killed em. They out fished the other 10 to 1. 3 of us bagged over 700 walleye in a week, most on the Ned. Not to worry, only ate a few while we were up there, the rest are still swimm'in. I would say that's proof in the pudding.
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