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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Nice size meanmouth in the pic with the firetiger crankbait. Lotta non-believers on here but the lake is full of them...
  2. Sorry....But I call baloney on the need rig as a small fish catcher ! I throw it almost exclusively over any other bait nearly year round on Stockton. My first point last Saturday yielded 4 solid keepers out of 8 fish. The other 4 we're 14-141/2". Had 7 good keepers by days end including 2 big white sows. Maybe....Maybe....1 was hooked a fuzz deep but as the norm they are hooked at the front of the mouth or lips. Depends on retrieve. I fish it like a Shakey worm. Always in contact and slowly moving along the bottom. I would suggest a deep hooked fish is fisherman error and cheap rods that aren't very sensitive. Just my opinion. And for what it's worth....This doesn't look like a little ned rig fish to me !
  3. Mike.... Little Sac is still too low to get my boat up past the old pylons so I've no idea where in this area they are concentrated right now. It was last spring at this time we could get through there and on into May we were slamming the sows clear to Taylor Bridge. We did catch a few at cedar ridge Saturday while fishing for blacks.
  4. The white bass fishing will last clear to middle of May ! All you gotta do is follow them from now til then clear up to Taylor Bridge.....
  5. Walcrabass is absolutely correct. While I personally have not had such an encounter with anyone, I am a CCW fisherman and always armed at the lake. There are times when no one is around where you are launching a boat and the lake or ramp seems very isolated. Unfortunately we are living in a different time now where you just can't trust everyone is a good 'ol boy ! And walcrabass....Hats off to you in how you protected your son and stood your ground. Had I been there... I'da had your back. Those goons would've been in deep monkey dodo !!
  6. Sounds like a good day fishing. Surprised you could paddle in that stiff wind all day. You've proofed it doesn't take a fancy fast glass boat to catch fish. Congrats.
  7. ewlech...Thanks for sharing the info. I am a Ned rig junkie. I was hoping that was the bait you were throwing. It's a great technique and does well for me...Always my go to lure.
  8. ewlech....You mind sharing what peticular bait you were using on that honeyhole bank ?
  9. Haven't been able to get up to the lake last 3 weekends. Bitter temps 1 weekend and a first grandchild born 2 weeks ago. Not complaint about that at all !!! Was catching bass shallow with low 50's water temps. Coming up Monday and wondering if there's be a big shift on the bass location now. Figure they've moved deeper by now. Any thoughts guys ?
  10. Good day Skeeter !! Thinking of going Sunday but not too thrilled with the wind forecast. Guess you handled today's wind OK then.
  11. Caught several on blades down near the dam late afternoon yesterday. Couldn't get a spook bite for nothin' !
  12. Kramr...it's a sight to see when there's 100's of them. Best trick is get up wind and drift through them if you can....they spook too easy.
  13. We got into them today (Sat) big time ! They were South of Hartley on the east side down at the ext small cove. It's been years since I've seen surfacing action like we saw today. Unreal !
  14. That was buried good ! Hats off to your wife...she's a trooper and a keeper to want to keep on fish loopin' !
  15. Haha....love the dog trapshot ! He is right up in there too !
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