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Fishing Buddy
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fishbait3 last won the day on February 14 2015

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About fishbait3

  • Birthday 12/20/1984

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  • Interests
    Floating&Boating,Fishing, Bass Pro Shops, Academy Sports, Sportmans Factory Outlet, BBQing

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Hornyhead Chub

Hornyhead Chub (25/89)



  1. I am interested in the annual meeting 👍
  2. where is a good reputable dealer of feathers i live in Springfield so Bass Pro is here just curious to see where you guys buy at
  3. SOunds good, I forget is this on the 31 or the 1
  4. hes perfect size for eating
  5. If u cant Compete with them just BUY THEM LOL
  6. jester, We can catch them and ill clean and we will have a fish fry I can make a trip Saturday or Sunday if anyone is interested
  7. Bow fish them out, or they like crank baits resembling shad, they are great to eat as well or big hair jigs in similar pattern
  8. My opinion is i dont mind bowfishing I prefer shooting gar because they are great table fare, maybe there could be length limits but since its Nongame fish i reasoning y there isnt I for one arent against regulation but i also feel that if more are applied the less enjoyable the sport could be. I honestly think enforcement should be up but at what cost, but it all goes back to the judges that slap the wrist of violators compared to the COs doing there jobs trying to enforce the laws.
  9. you will be just fine at fellows just make sure u register ur boat at Marina
  10. Depending on size of gas tank just take it out
  11. Has anyone met or talked with the New Manager Ben Havens Hope he does the Hatchery Some good compared to what it used to be run like.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. I myself cant figure out the difference between large and spotties
  13. I catch the bigger ones while BB for Walleye
  14. Lmt out I just cant believe the Numbers you are catching because its hard for me to believe it can be done. I know others/guides that will even say those numbers are hard to accomplish. I will say myself i catch more shorts than i do keeper but for me thats just the fun of fishing.
  15. mostly around 13" to 14" is a size i catch alot of
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