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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Only once and it was induced by the consumption of allot of pscilosybin.
  2. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Overrun with birds.
  3. Gavin

    Cardiac Hill

    I haven't been down there in years. It's quicker to access the river just down the road a Suicide Hill. Go down on to the left of the access if facing the river. Pretty easy to walk to Meramec Springs and back from there. Its only about 2 miles one way.
  4. That is an incredibly tragic story. Nature can kill you quickly.
  5. It’s the Same story every time. Here, then gone. Drowning is silent.
  6. Woodies & teal hear last weekend. Shot a couple mallards Sunday AM, gonna head out tomorrow, & Friday AM for an hour out two in St Charles. Hunting this coming weekend for sure. Some Big ducks moving in with the moon & weather up north hits hear Friday.
  7. It’s getting better, should get really good with calendar birds next weekend.
  8. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Muenster makes the best grilled cheese. Perfect texture.
  9. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Smoked Pepper dust! That would make it the Cajun Royale!
  10. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Upgraded my griddled egg sandwiches in the blind this AM, Muenster cheese! Takes it up a notch or five, from processed American goo.
  11. Will see what flies in the AM, front moving through
  12. Just a poor boy duck club, there are many, and many better.
  13. Its been really slow. No wind, and its been hot on the east side. Saw 10-12 woodies, and a single mallard Wednesday AM, but they were not interested. Buddy & I called it at 8am and went to work. There is a front moving in tomorrow afternoon, finally wind, rain overnight, so we are gonna give it a go tomorrow afternoon and in the AM Saturday. Fingers crossed.
  14. Have heard good things, I’m sure you’ll like it. 10’ rods are usually better roll casters than overhead. Learn a single Spey cast.
  15. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Arroz con Pollo
  16. You want to pick a fight? LOL! It’s a great float, heck, I met my wife at Pulltite Group site 3 17 years ago.
  17. Is what it is. Al A and I have told you it holds no fish below Akers for years. Picks up below Round Spring. Pulltite can hold trout sometimes.
  18. Find a neighbor to process it. Take a referral fee. You folks poach a deer down there every time a freezer looks less than half full.
  19. The rainbows would likely do well if left on their own but you would have to close the trout parks to make it work on the trout park streams. That will not happen ever I think. Missouri is a status quo state.
  20. I haven't heard anything about it. They have been planting brown trout eggs in Vibert Boxes out a Westover Farm, trying to establish a native stream bred population. They have planted eggs two years in a row, and had some success with it.
  21. Some rain and a break in the temperature in the forecast. I hope we get it. It’s super dry out there right now.
  22. The hotel business really took it in the teeth during the pandemic, but they are coming back strong. Revenues are up around 45%, over pre pandemic levels.
  23. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    This is how we do it!
  24. If the neighbors over the levy flood this, we should be in tall cotton, looks like they are going too,
  25. Almost ready.
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