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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Yes the Commander's Palace CB. There is some good stuff in there.
  2. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    I’ve been overruled. My Wife was inspired by my absence this weekend.
  3. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Field to table! 😀
  4. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Thinking kabobs.
  5. Youth open went well for three young men at our place, They all killed a duck or three. Woodies, and GWT. No big ducks sighted. Dardenne is flooded up and has some birds by latest count. Report from BK area...some big ducks on the river, youth hunter killed 4 on their MI island blind. Decoys are out, along with the side by side. So we will all go ditch work early on Friday to go muck about, to see what we need to fix Saturday & Sunday.
  6. You missed out. They eat allot of crawfish on that creek. Good eats!
  7. What was in that stripers belly when you gutted it?
  8. I think Lamiglass made most of those. Dunno, dropped by the fly shop today and there was a $1,000 St Croix 9wt on deck. Tom’s taking it to punish some Dorado next week.
  9. We used to mix pellets with bacon grease, I think those are the ingredients for Bosco bait “ the best there is.” But it’s been a LONG time since Bosco has been around.
  10. Gavin

    What's Brewing?

    I lost track of Brent, but the rest are still kicking. We are not as active at 55+ but we can afford too blow more stuff up.
  11. Gavin

    What's Brewing?

    That was total chaos! We should do it again! I do not recall the original guest list, but I guess we scared most of them away from trout fishing.
  12. Gavin

    What's Brewing?

    @ness do you remember when glo ball Dave burned down his barn\40’ tall brush pile for us after we grilled pork steaks for a bunch? That was a bonfire for the ages and a very good time. Do any pics remain of that debauchery?
  13. Looking good, the minor blems will go away as you scratch it all up. It wont be long now!
  14. Gavin

    What's Brewing?

    I believe that was THAT trip with the skillet coffee. We floated 5 miles on the Current, and fished every one of those creeks in a day.
  15. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Yes I brined a whole packer the garag last winter & vac packed it. My wife makes the Rueben’s. Cheese goes on both sides of the beef & kraut, so the bread stays toasty & crunchy.
  16. Gavin

    What's Cooking?

    Rueben’s. My Sammy is going to come from the corned brisket point slices, my kids can eat the rest.
  17. Pretty cool. What do you have set up for ventilation & ppe? Employee Lead tests?
  18. One thing about park fishing is DO NOT FISH TO DEEP! Park Fisk tend to suspend above the bottom, and they are trained to look up for food. Put your lure below them, and you won’t catch many, if any. Match depth to bump them in the nose.
  19. I have poke weed you can cut in the 63119. Making progress, but it is persistent.
  20. Al will fish non-stop 24/7/365 if the fish are biting. He’s very detail oriented, and relentless. Kinda reminds me of Dave Barron, but Al is not a Putz..
  21. Nice find! I had a JW Young made for Sage years ago. It came with a Sage DS series kit rod kit back around 1985-1990. It was my first step from something that did not say Western Auto. No complaints. It worked fine.
  22. I wouldn’t say high protein. I looked up nutritional info for button mushrooms. Out of 100 grams of shrooms (3.5 oz) you get about 3 grams of protein and a 2-3 grams of carbs and allot of trace elements. The are about 90% water, that’s why the shrink up so much when cooked.
  23. Nice, saw some fairy rings and puffballs out a week or so ago. It’s still very dry here.. FW, you are correct, mushrooms have no nutritional value.
  24. The blocky heads make ‘em fish better.
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