I asked four or five employees where the seminar was and no one knew. So just for fun I got my picture with the Paw Patrol. I think the guy overseeing that was Charlie Evan's. Anyway I asked him. He led me to the outside tents and pointed out the seminar tent. I hightailed through the rain to that tent. KVD was MCing the forum with the Legends of fishing. Hank Parker, Jimmy Houston, Bill Dance, Roland Martin and Johnny Morris. The seminar was about half way through. It was hard to hear some of the comments. I had my raffle tickets with me. The instructions were to put them in the hopper at the seminar. Finally some guy caring a five gallon bucket hollered. "Last call for tickets" I waded my way through the crowd and got my ticket in the bucket with no time to spare. I was standing right by the stage and yes my number was called. $500 gift card.