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Everything posted by LittleRedFisherman

  1. Merry Christmas!
  2. Looks like a great time boys. Sure hate I missed this one
  3. Well y’all my daughter had a good surprise for us here at home but may affect my jigfest. She called us and said what are you doing Saturday she says well I’m graduating college Saturday at ASU. She had been finishing her degree unbeknownst to us. So super proud of her finally finishing that being. Wife, mom and a job. So I’m gonna try to be there Friday at least to fish. I’ll let y’all know. Bret.
  4. I’m in as of now! Missed last year not this year
  5. Great catches Pete! I need to get back out on the river
  6. Have met Cody a few times Jeff including this winter. He won a winter tourney they had on Bull and I got big bass. He seemed like a good dude and for sure knows how to fish on Bull.
  7. That’s awesome Ham. I like that pole mount for chasing crappie. We got to get together soon
  8. Mitch I’ve tied the trilene knot my whole life it’s hard to beat imo
  9. Same here Pete what I’m running into also this year. Hate missing these especially being an OG lol.
  10. Yes I have one love the motor but I had a leash installed like he mentions
  11. 7-9 would work for me have plans that next weekend Cody.
  12. Heck yeah Pete! Wish I could get out there right now. It’s buzzbait time
  13. Interesting topic and comments. It is for sure a mental grind for these guys and day after day of fishing and practice I’m sure takes a mental toll. Those guys at this last bass master event many of them were on the line of loosing qualification, those that did either fish the gauntlet of the 9 opens again or move on. Not all all independently wealthy, I’d say many aren’t. The rookie of the year this year joey cifuentes slept in his in some of his qualifying torunys too,get where he’s at now. Far as comparing who works harder that doesn’t matter to me every job is different, at times I feel my job is as mental a grind as anything but it’s different for everyone.
  14. Thank Jeff. Yeah it was an experience would love to go back sometime
  15. Last weekend Landen and Collin got to fish a 2 day tourney at Millwood lake in southwest AR. Last year we missed the state championship because of my work but this year being ahead of the game and a timely rain we were able to make it! Basically we are more Ozark fisherman so Millwood was different for sure. Lots of grass mats, wood, anlligators and stumps everywhere. There are boat lanes but if you get out of them it’s bad news. We decided to head up little river and fish the river and the many backouts with even more grass and pads and cypress trees. Practice day was Friday and I get to fish those, there were for,sure fish on the edge of the grass mats. We haven’t done much punching so the boys chose to,fish along the edge with spinner bait and swim baits. The swim baits hang up a lot but the fish liked them so,that was their weapon plus spinner baits. Day one was a grind and they Only had 2 keepers with 45 to weigh in and a bunch of shorts till Landen got a swim bait hung in the grass. As he was trying to pop it loose an explosion happened right beside it, all of a sudden his line took off and he set the hook. When he got it to the boat she weighed 5.04, that fish bailed them out setting in fifth place and big bAss for day 1 in the jr division. Senior high had a couple 8 pounders weighed in. Day 2 they focused more on spinner baits throwing them under trees and in the shade, they caught a ton of fish but no kickers. At this point that upper river had been fished hard and the big bites were tougher. At one point Landen who is good with the Livescope said dad let me try to video game some as he calls it. I said go for it so he found a wad of fish in the middle of a channel, when I saw them I was like he’s into something here. He commenced to drop spotting them and sure enough it was a fish every cast, only problem they were all white bass ha ha. Anyhow they had a great time and finished in the top 10, didn’t make nationals but got a plaque and a check for big bass on day one. It was a great time and learning experience. Landens buddy Collin has improved so much when he started this with us he had never thrown a bait caster, now I’m watching him skip stuff under trees. Those boys can hang with the old man now with casting, that makes me a proud captain! There season is over now till September lookin forward to it again! God Bless….Bret
  16. Well haven’t posted in awhile so gonna recap the boys spring tourney season with the youth bass nation. They started the year fishing one of the 4 BASS national opens down on Lay Lake in February. Fishing was tough but the scrapped enough fish to be just 2 pounds from qualifying for a national birth. It was a fun experience for them to weigh fish in a big stage. March followed up with lake Charles and bull shoals. Bull proves to be tough but lake Charles they got a first place with 11.9 pounds with just 3 fish, the bigs wanted a DT6 that day. This past weekend they fished greers ferry which has been our nemesis in the past. This time greers was fishing good and they got a limit and 7th place. But held enough points to secure a 2nd place for team of the year. That one event on Bull cost them first but a great learning experience. They have one more at Greer next week in the nea trail trying to secure there first place in that one. We’ve had a ball doing these, next year they will move up to the senior high division, and become a lot tougher to rank high in these, but will still be fun. God bless Bret
  17. What a great time at Jigfest 10! Fished Friday with DJ and Stein and we had such a great time, and boated a ton of fish! My first tiger trout was super cool indeed! The food was fabulous as always! Looking forward to the next one !
  18. I’ll have the blazer and can fish 2 with me easily I’ll have it Friday and most of say Saturday before I have to leave
  19. I might pitch in a little Cody. Lol. Rick bringing your favorite amber liquid again just for you and old times sake
  20. Looking forward to it guys. I’ll be there Thursday night if you still are as well cody. I can fish Friday and half day or more Saturday. I will have to leave Saturday round 2ish got a Christmas party can’t miss, bringing the blazer she’s all gassed up and ready
  21. Old video I did back in 2016 for jigfest 4. Little jerkbait action halfway through this video and some video of the jigfest gang at the 9 minute mark. Man watching this I can tell I’m older and fatter since then. Ha ha. Good times where had looking forward to making this one. I actually aired this clip on outdoors in the delta TV back when we did the show and got some great feedback from it.
  22. Thanks man. Looking forward to seeing you again
  23. Thanks Jeff. This one only take 3.5 gallon I can bring some
  24. We can get you in a boat man. Got plenty of room and a good seat in the blazer
  25. Count me in Cody think my schedule is clear this year…. Least for now. I’ll bring the cooker and some catfish to keep the tradition going. I almost posted last night asking about jigfest great minds think alike. Lol
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