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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Sorry, I didn't want to deter anyone from going, as I have quite a few customers that will be vendors there. I'll just say..... It's not my cup of tea 😊
  2. Back in my younger & stupider days I built a screaming hot Evinrude 235 and sold it to a dude that wanted it installed on a 17' Ranger. After installing it I took the rig and 4 different props out for some runs to PROP IT OUT and to set the jackplate. Once I felt that I had it set up, as good as I could get it, I cracked her wide open and just let her wind up real good.....Holy Mother Of God ! 😬 When I set that boat back down it bow-hooked, I over compensated, and ejected myself over the port side into 48° water. When I climbed back into the boat I hooked the kill switch back up and tried to restart it.....Nope. Dead. The battery had come loose and ripped the terminal off the cable. I half-assed that back together, started the motor, and idled SLOWLY back to the trailer..... which luckily I had left in the water, because nobody else was at the ramp that day. Didn't realize how cold I was until halfway back home. Got undressed in the shower under warm water. Busted a rib (bruised from my belly button to my left nipple), and lost my glasses, but bygod I was ALIVE ! Never again!
  3. My hat leaves my head at 42mph My soul leaves my body at 68mph So anything I do in a boat at 69+ is an Out of Body experience.
  4. Noisy outboards are music to my ears. Noisy people are like nails on a chalkboard.
  5. Oh, I thought the reason everyone wanted QUIET outboards was so they could whisper to their passengers while underway. Even out in the open, running on muffs and standing right next to it, I've never had an outboard make my ears ring. It cracks me up that people want to take a quiet boat ride to a lakefront restaurant where they have to scream over the music and noise to have a conversation with the waitress and whoever they are sitting next to. πŸ˜…
  6. "We're not CAMPING, we are Meditating! So what's the problem?" πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  7. Noise was never a "PROBLEM". πŸ™„ The 4-strokes happened to be quieter....so that was used as a sales pitch. Nobody bitches about how noisy their chainsaws, leaf blowers, and weed eaters are πŸ€”
  8. I had to go steal pellets out of the water softener to throw on my driveway, before somebody (Me) ends up upside down in the ditch. I've never seen ice so bad here. I dropped my keys and they slid 30 feet. Retrieving them was similar to an Ironman competition. I hate this crap !
  9. Gimme a break, I was so much younger then.
  10. Daniel Roberts @ beaverlake flyfishing
  11. I've had all types & brands, but my favorite by far is the old wooden handled Rapala's. Not the hardest steel for sure, but a few quick swipes on a steel.....or even across a shovel, lawn mower blade, screwdriver shaft, or hard rock.....and she's right back to razor sharp.
  12. I tried like hell to get my youngest daughter involved in detailing boats. The older two did a fine job until they grew-up and got their own careers, but Mama has spoiled this youngest one to the point that she's TOO GOOD to scrub pontoons or stick her hands into any bilge areas. πŸ™„
  13. It is so COLD out there this morning that my truck door unlocker wouldn't unlock. My truck was like....."Dude, NO! Get your @$$ back in the house and leave me alone !'
  14. You can enhance the "jiggyness" of a fly with dumbbell eyes by placing the dumbbell closer to the hook eye. The farther back it is....the more the fly GLIDES. The closer it is to the eye....the more it JIGs. I dislike those jig-style hooks, they remind me of "Euro"......and I'd rather lick fish poop off my boat carpet than to fish a stupid Euro nymph. πŸ™„
  15. There's really no need for it. The dumbbell eyes keep it right side up regardless.πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  16. I think these are gonna be my new favorite Crappie fly. I don't like his hook of choice though.....So I went with a standard Clouser hook.
  17. I've officially gotten to the age where walking across ICE makes me feel like a geriatric patient. πŸ™„ Especially if it's on a slight incline.....which is EVERYWHERE around here. I miss the days when busting my butt was FUNNY !
  18. Yep, or just go have lunch and come back a bit laterπŸ‘. Eventually, sometime during the day, those fish will decide to turn-on, and you'll catch one every cast. Remember what time it was.....and if conditions don't change the next day, come back at the same time. I'm not a fan of FFS at all.....but I am definitely a fan of what I have learned by using it. I spent a lot of years thinking that the old saying "They just ain't biting" was a cop out......but nope, it's REAL !
  19. Tell her to ask her supervisor why INSURANCE is paid ? And if they are considering dropping those polices also ?
  20. The Float & Fly guides on Dale Hollow are absolutely tearing up the big smallmouth using FFS right now. 20-60 per day, all over 4lbs. 😲 Is anybody doing that on TR or Beaver ?
  21. You sure it's mud ? Dog turds thaw at the same rate. πŸ˜… The girls gave Orion a pedicure during Christmas break......Let him out to go pee immediately afterwards, and what does he do ? Steps in a pile of his own poop !
  22. Why, so I could eat fish chunks rolled in stale corn flakes every other Friday ?
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