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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. They are interesting looking but on the pricey side. My best color is PB&J and I didn't see it.
  2. Which color is better clear or Moss Green?
  3. Haven't fished for trout since I was a kid. Thought I would give it a try this winter in some of the local community ponds that are stocked by the MDC. I have a 7' UL I'm planning on using. I plan to get a Pluegar President 20 for the reel. Not sure what type of line to put on it. I use braid for most of my bass fishing, with or without a leader. Probably don't have the proper lures either. I have some ul stuff but it's small cranks and some Blakemore Roadrunners. Will be fishing Walker, Valisas, & Susan, maybe Jefferson. What are your recommendations?
  4. The only good way to test a battery is to load test it. Voltmeter doesn't tell the true story. fw is right the only thing the charger knows is it won't take anymore charge.
  5. Borrow the one out of your wive's car. ;-) I bought a used TM and the speed switch was bad. I do agree with FW the battery could be toast. Batteries these days do some strange things.
  6. Think I would be using one of the cheap drills from Harbor Freight. If it didn't work you could always use it to stir 5 gal buckets of paint.
  7. While fish at Des Peres park last week a lady told me a count a small lake in Conway park. Was out that way today so I stopped by there to take a look. The water was green, reminded me is when my aquariums had an alge bloom. Didn't have time to to throw a line in to see if it got any action & I didn't have any bread crumbs I could throw out to check for life. There were some ducks down on the one end. Walked around the bank some but with the water clarity didn't see any life. Does anyone know anything about the lake?
  8. I tried the Ned rig last year after reading about it on one of the fishing forums. Have caught a lot of fish using this technique. Seems to work best in realitivly clear to slightly stained water. I fish it a little different than what is mentioned in the article. I cast it out let it sink and count to 20, make 1 crank of the reel handle, count to 5 and repeat. Sometimes you will get what I call a bump strike, when this happens I will let it sit for another count of 5 or so, if he doesn't come back and hit it I will the move it a little slowly. Many times this will make the strike and you can set the hook. You also need to watch your line sometimes they will pick it up and swim off with it and you won't feel it. Tighten up the line and set the hook. Takes patience but is a fun day to fish. Good article, thanks for sharing.
  9. Think your right Jerry
  10. I believe the spring is in the Weldon Spring Conservation Area.
  11. Yep we get to beat the Giants now. More late nights........
  12. Watched it for awhile then went fishing, should have stayed home and finished watching the game. No bites and lost a buzzbait. Glad the Cards won tonight and we didn't have to back to LA. Who do we play next we know yet? Go Cards!
  13. http://fox2now.com/2014/09/01/hundreds-of-fish-found-dead-at-st-louis-county-park/
  14. Wouldn't that be cool?
  15. You can fish from the shore in the state park by the darn. I was there in august and didn't have much luck but it might have been the time of day.
  16. Motor looks like it's way to big for the boat ;-). I think the HP would be more like 20 not 9.5 unless I'm mistaken
  17. Happy Birthday Phil and thanks for sponsoring & maintain OAF, what a great place!
  18. Think that's called marketing. The guy made his jet ski ad standout from the others. Now if it would have included a video demonstrating it might have been better. Never mind he mentioned whales...........
  19. You were probably fishing his honey hole, didn't you see his sign that the spot was reserved for him. ;-) We all have our favorite spots to fish but if someone gets there 1st you just have to fish somewhere else til they leave. There is something called common courtesy that seems few people have now days. I always try and be respectful of someone else fish and expect the same. I tend not to go to places that have a lot of disrespectful people, just way easier on my blood pressure.
  20. It good that people volunteered to clean it up. But its a shame that it even had to be done.
  21. I would love to see what the bottom contour is and how deep it is. As soon as I talk the CFO into letting me buy the fish finder for my phone I might know.
  22. I tie the SDJ all the time. I started using it after trying g to tie a crank bait using a Palmor, pretty much a pain unless you have a big loop. Started using the SDJ and liked it so now I use it to tie everything on. Works on mono, flouro, & braid.
  23. I'm not that sure they are random. More than likely drug related or a gang conflict. I think it appears random because of mistaken identity of an incident victim. Then when one's arrested the police are profiling. You tell me how a LEO can effectively do his job without profiling. Thugs, criminals, & drug dealers have certain traits they key one. Does weaving down the road consatute as DWI stop? Couldn't that be considered profiling?
  24. Think he's referring to his old kayak, not kayaks in general.
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