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Everything posted by aarchdale@coresleep.com

  1. 237,000 on my dodge, not sure if they were every changed before that. 16 of them in that stupid thing
  2. ive been wanting this for years
  3. Ill keep this stuff in mind....I went today and floated around talking to Garmin on the phone for a while. They are sending me a new "E box" whatever that is. And then it started working again so who knows, i dont have a lot of faith in it
  4. Dang im already booked for next weekend with you
  5. i just heard that this morning on the radio, I always liked going down those back roads over that bridge
  6. Long shot but never hurts to ask. Does anyone in the springfield area have a trolling motor box I could have. I’m needing to ship back my troller and I got rid of my box a long time ago
  7. Here is what i got for tailgaters https://www.amazon.com/Interior-Express-Yourself-Accessories-Gadgets/dp/B0BG7L1MF1/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3V7K52ERZRVI1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0s7duR60AKNBcBSIMdYxb8BIjL2bZ_skL-O-ZfaY1tD477R-Bt11RMa_Rz9ap12Uf489aj922OX8K-zm7MJ1eiBLrLngOgW1cj5Hv0U--UmOzkAnqitj7twQ6E9YUice0acvU2FgtJclpSjDexlZiF36eO85jX6vJY5I06P_4dGo_o-JQuYgvAYvNkuX-he8CVz3Plcj0oCd6B2LEV_o95bq1QCgKF2QOQZT9YqIQqKnaWdFR9EQkaTe5PiWm8wHNsDmX9hKKGrnMsPra2ThkgBgiPz0jVnnTroWFmt93us.RHbt-OKgBmWbpOPNgt3prj3bxZTJBrn7pfJwnBbLETA&dib_tag=se&keywords=middle+finger+car+light&qid=1705803198&sprefix=middle+fin%2Caps%2C2337&sr=8-5
  8. i saw a pic of Bridgeport the other day and it was frozen all the way across. Also have saw pics down by the dam where it is plenty open, moonshine beach ramp looked good
  9. i rememeber about 15-18 years ago we had a sailboat in kimberling on and end slip and it was around 30ft of water and we could stand next to it on the ice
  10. Been stir crazy at the house with the kiddo out of school so we decided to go to wow. It was the first time for me. Pretty impressive place. Definitely pricey but worth it to see. My boy was all about the 21lb bass.
  11. I have a 2006 with the hemi going strong at 250,000, i dont use it for much exept towing the boat with. Been a pretty good truck overall. Right now its has the infamous exhaust leak from broken mnaifold bolts. Ill get around to that eventually
  12. I dont blame her, i had one for a company car for a year. It wasnt very comfortable for travel.
  13. to be fair a diesel VW jetta gets 40+
  14. Elites are required to wrap or they get a fine, I think one pro said he got fined $1000 per tournament one year. When he was late to get a wrap done. Milliken said he is wrapping his with 1000's of his subscribers faces. So at least his wrap is to promote himself and not a million bait companies
  15. Just talked to my buddy that lives on that lake and it was his neighbor that caught it. So we are devising a plan to beat it. Problem is, its a private lake and i cant take my gig boat, the boat has to registered to him and the lake. Im thinking gigging would be the easiest way lol. Ive caught one off his dock that was 1-7 one night
  16. I used to get low voltage warning on my humminbird during the start of the outboard but that was about it. I think it was more due to small diameter wiring that came in m boat
  17. That just seems like somthing is eating up so much power and i just cant wrap my head around it being the graphs alone , Ive had a couple HDS and a humminbird 12 and still never had any issue with house power with one battery. Im all Garmin now but i doubt it make much difference
  18. When i got my lithiums from amazon i told my buddies ill be the guinea pig and see what happens. Glad i did it. My boat is a little different now with the weight loss, I think i need a bigger prop
  19. agree, you can even pair them with a lead acid in a pinch
  20. Ill be honest I run two 9" graphs, one 7", livescope, foot pedal for my troller , and live well pump all day with an auxiliary aerator just for extra in the hot months , for tournaments. And my old carbed motor has to crank way more than a fuel injected engine to get her breathing and i have never had an issue with power. I just run a 27 series pro guide for my house battery. I do replace it every 2 ish years, just because i dont want issues. Never shows any signs of going bad in those 2 years.
  21. Is your House battery also the engine starting battery? I had to stick with an old lead acid for mine due to the charging system in my old girl. Not sure about your Verado....i bet wrench will know
  22. I would think with all the rain you bring with you everywhere, you would be afraid to wear an electric suit
  23. I got a couple Chins 100amp lithiums off amazon a little over a year ago, i think around $750 including a new charger. So far they have been great. I used to pull cranks for walleye at Bull a lot and the old lead batteries would only last around 4 hours even when new. The Lithiums are still chugging along after a solid 6 hours. Had a buddy get the same ones and he went from a 36v lead acid system to 24v and he is happy as can be. I guess time will tell if they last the 7-10 years they say. Ill be more than happy if they last 5 Like seth said they wont charge when its really cold but its not been an issue for me I charge them when i get home and its usually above 32 at that time or i wouldnt have went to begin with. Id say your good in your nice shop and garage Lots of cheaper options have came out in the last year and most the stuff i read on the BBC forums is all positive. Funny people talk about their warranty all the time with the expensive USA ones and how quick the companies swap them out for them https://www.amazon.com/CHINS-Rechargeable-Parallel-Road-Trip-Wireless/dp/B09F9M82VN/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3MUNJ5PREUYJ7&keywords=chins%2B100ah%2Blifepo4%2Bbattery&qid=1704492103&sprefix=chins%2Caps%2C549&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&th=1
  24. This year im constantly cold. Found this pic from 12 years ago when I used to be hard core at lake springfield
  25. This is usually my issue when that happens. Or the other day i threw a $15 mag draft into the abyss got my line back with a little curly cue. Knot came untied, total user error....but it never happens with a cheap bait
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