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Codywskeeter1521 last won the day on September 18 2016

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About Codywskeeter1521

  • Birthday 02/16/1989

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Green Sunfish

Green Sunfish (24/89)



  1. Man, that's sounds like a absolute blast! I could only imagine those beast blasting a top water. I might have alittle addiction to these things. I'm having a hard time even chasing those bass anymore lol.
  2. I fished two days last week. Struggling both days. Found fish and had 3 hooked the first day and couldn't capitalize found them on a flat in front of the dam. The second day I only had one bite. But did watch a couple people catch some. I didn't fish with live bait I was spooning and think that was a major factor in my less then ideal success. But I definitely enjoyed my trips down there and I will be back to learn more.
  3. Thanks quillback. Yeah it's by the dam. I was thinking Indian point it looks kinda fishy. Lol
  4. Well I'm debating on heading farther south then my home lake of table Rock. Going to try my hand at some stripers. Fished norfork the last couple of trips and had a absolute blast. I've never been on beaver and looking to launch at the state park. Any tips or info would be much appreciated. I found most of my fish on norfork on flats and was wondering if a similar pattern is expected. Not not an troller or a real big live bait guy. Love spooning and vertical fishing. Thanks guys and gals.
  5. Thank you guys for your help this weekend. Me and my wife had a absolute blast. It was definitely tough fishing for us. But blue haven resort was absolutely beautiful and Brian was a stand up guy. Now to fishing we had a tough time finding them. But after about 10 hours of graphing and spot fishing I did manage to catch this one on a binks spoon. He was in 70 foot of water and tight to the bottom not bad for a ol table rock bass fishermen 😂😂🤪. It was on a flat next to a creek channel right at the mouth of big creek. Went back this morning and they were stacked again but only managed a small one before I had to head back home. I must say your guys lake is awesome and we will be back. Hoping to time it up better in August. Thank you again
  6. Dang that's a beautiful fish congratulations! Thank you for the info. I am ready to try my luck.
  7. Awesome thank you for the info. I'll definitely graph some flats.
  8. Hello, Norfork fishermen and women. Me and my wife are coming down this weekend to try our luck at some stripers. I'm not looking for spots or anything just general locations. River Channel swings ect. I plan on using some live bait and some spoons. But I'm open to anything. We will be staying at blue haven resort and launching out of buzzard roost Marina. I'm also wondering water temp and if there's a termacline set up or not. We we're down a couple months ago and took a guided trip with binks. But I don't expect the same kind of locations and areas to work. Thank you guys for any info and your time Ps. If your down and see a red zx20 skeeter probably fishing the wrong water don't hesitate to come on by and say HI. 😂😂
  9. Did I happen to see you tonight up the kings alittle ways? I was in a red skeeter. Congratulations on a beautiful new rig.
  10. I agree 100 percent bo. It's more dangerous when I'm getting hit in the eyes with a spot light. At night I find it best to eas around. Growing up on the James River side of the lake I knew every porch light and dock light from cape to aunts creek. Now with GPS on most boats if you just keep a eye on what's I. Front of you and sometimes look down at 25 or 30 mph it's not bad.
  11. I fish a ton at night this time of year. Just last Saturday night seen a jet ski out in the middle of the channel at shell knob Bridge running around without a running light one or a light period. That's my biggest fear is hitting someone or something. 30mph is the law and running lights. But accidents happen even to those who obay and do every thing right. Common sense and common courtesy is a thing of the past. Glad you and your friend is okay. Praying for the others.
  12. Wow!! Bill you're reports are amazing and are so detailed. Over the years I've really appreciated them. Thank you for taking your time to post them.
  13. Yeah that's flat out awful.
  14. Fished sat and Sunday. Had a absolute blast. Caught tons of fish. But I was also one that couldn't find the big fish. But congrats to everyone who cashed a check and to Mike Southerland. Alot of boats out and about this weekend but the true class and sportsmen ship was on full display. Everyone I met and seen was very respectful and nice.
  15. Can anyone tell if I have to register today to fish Saturday and Sunday or can I do it tomorrow? Thank you
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