So Flysmallie was talking to his wife about going to the Jack's Fork. She told him he needed to stay home and fix the water heater so she could take a shower and do laundry. Flysmallie told her it would just have to wait until he got back from his float trip. The morning he was leaving she asked him to please stay home and fix the water heater and the stove which went on the fritz last night. He explained he would take care of it when he got home, the float trip is a priority. When he got home, she told him he need to fix the water heater, the stove and now the toilet too which was clogged. Flysmallie explained that the James River Float is on Saturday, I'll see about getting all that fixed when I get back. Ms. Smallie had about had it at that point. She said if that's the way you feel about it, how would you like to not see me for a few days? Flysmallie said fine, that suits me right down to the ground. Two days went by and he didn't see her at all. The third day the swelling was starting to go down and he could see her a little out of the corner of one eye.....