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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I mean the KY3 weather people are the weather people version of .... I don't know, who's the scariest terror star?
  2. Sure she doesn't work for KY3?
  3. How's the pay?
  4. Good Luck Ham. This has been a fun thread to follow.
  5. If it was mine, I would take it to Cody, especially since Glen won't touch it. Never met Glen but I can tell you Cody is a fine mechanic - on lots of things.
  6. Tomato plants did well early, then seemingly went dormant. I took out a lot of suckers and tied them up. They're great guns again, both the Cherokee Purple and finally Boxcar Willie is setting on nicely.
  7. Wrong. The photos have proven that many times over.
  8. You're my idol. Well, you and Ham. And Billethead. Honestly the best fishermen I know. What does one do with a ray if you get it in the pier net?
  9. You're going to be disappointed. It's still your job, but you're too old to do it without help.
  10. I've been told I'm old and in the way. But, and this is a BIG but. I know things.
  11. $10 K wouldn't even get you a call back from Christie Brinklie's agent.
  12. Listen here counselor. You're one good feller. Post a picture of those Tulsa Lawyer boots please. I'm in the mood for a distraction - a fun one. So come on. Thank goodness for spell check which saved me the imbarassmint of misspelling hear.
  13. We used to catch trout at the Corps park on the south side of the Bull Shoals tailwater below the Taneycomo dam. Fished with mepps spinners, little cleo, daredevil and bait. Corn or worms for bait. Good luck.
  14. We're not really doomed regardless of what some people want you to believe. Look around you and be thankful for what you have. You live in the greatest country in the world, poor Americans are wealthy by world standards, our freedoms are intact and today even the weather is good. So don't worry, be a good person to your family and others. You'll feel better for it. Thinking I may have found a new calling as a life coach/influencer. Now to convert that calling into cash.....
  15. I'm fine with reading the room but if you're a racist/misogynist/conspiracy theorist/generally an a hole you won't be invited over for a BBQ.
  16. So that's why you cook in cast iron and steel. Clever.
  17. The things I know I've learned the hard, hard way....
  18. If we weren't headed to Isla Morada on Monday, I'd try to go. You should treat yourself.
  19. Jeff I know how much you loved that dog. My sympathies.
  20. Kumbaya bro.
  21. Hopefully we won't have many political hijacks anymore. I do like though when people hijack a thread to talk about microfishing, which fascinates me even if I've never done any and likely never will. Vive' la difference. (I've seen more of Paris in the last 2 weeks than all the rest of my life combined). Time for a group hug everybody.🫂
  22. I've done it several tmes in the Shawnee. Those guys in the 30's and 40's knew nothing but the boats they built. River jons.
  23. Hang in there, I think this place is heading in the right direction. The James River float dealio promises to be a good time for example.
  24. Not floating but will be there to help with shuttle etc.
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