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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I like Padre better. Great beaches and if you can hack it, the jetty fishing is very good. So is the wade fishing. Those sheepshead are amazingly good!
  2. Terrierman


    Bars in KC are opening this morning at 7:00. I wish I could be there! Going to be quite the celebration!!!
  3. Back when I was a kid, the duty fell to me to crawl under the back porch and remove the dead cat that was stinking up the whole block. That could happen to them too.
  4. I used to make dog tie-outs that way for when were trialiing lots of terriers. It's good solution. Gave many of them away to friends.
  5. It happens to us here too. Litter of kittens right in my driveway. We raised them up until shelter could take them. Last dog that showed up here put me back in my truck. That show didn't last very long. We've taken others to the shelter or got lucky and a deputy did the transport. It's a real heartless thing to do, but I try real hard not to judge. Never know what someone else might be going through.
  6. Terrierman


    I was never worried. They played Chiefs football from the kickoff until the clock read 00:00. I was at a two generation super bowl party. I had to go hang with the young guys that are about Mahomes' age. They were super enthusiastic and a lot more fun than the worried old worry warts. What was kind of wild was power outage - a big one - that hit about a minute after the game ended. We were all standing around in the dark yelling.😎
  7. Terrierman


    We used to be friends.
  8. Not very embarrassing in the least.
  9. Does it involve eteP pooping his pants? Or something even worse we all hope.
  10. Just spell his name backwards and then nobody will know who the story is about.
  11. Aw come on. Nobody's that special.
  12. Terrierman

    Grilled Fish?

    sounds like ick to me.
  13. I've been a Chiefs fan ever since there have been Chiefs. Long suffering Chiefs fan. But loyal.
  14. That's the plan. Left hip replacement on Wednesday. Really looking forward to walking the golf course again. Now back to the flu. Wash your hands and keep them away from your face are the two best things you can do to avoid any kind of infectious disease.
  15. I've lost 26 pounds on my way to losing 50. Lipid panel and blood sugar are both in a lot better place now compared to the starting point.
  16. The thread is about replacing a kydex sheath with leather.
  17. I get a flu shot every year. Can't remember last time I had actual influenza. I'm also very careful to limit exposure and I wash my hands a LOT. Holdover habit from my operator days.
  18. He got pulled over for no plates. Had a gun and knife on him, told the patrolman who then arrested him. IIRC, They figured out he was tied to the bombing while he was sitting in jail.
  19. Cardinals use our window feeder all the time. Not quite as many of them as there are chickadees or titmouse, but still a lot. Red breasted woodpeckers are there every day too.
  20. We have a clear feeder hanging on our kitchen window. I feed black oil sunflower seeds. It's one of the best things we ever bought.
  21. Good thinking. And a sneaky ninja suit so you don't get caught.
  22. My biggest worry about this is recent reports regarding the incubation period and how long an infected person can communicate the disease before symptoms appear. Seems it may well be two weeks. How does screening begin to work if that is correct?
  23. Nope. Two freezers full, one pantry and one well house fully stocked with canned and dry goods and we are on our own well. When the power goes off it's too late anyway. Wait. I did do a major stock up on coffee beans - probably 20 pounds - but that was because Lucky's Market is closing down. $6.99 per lb. coffee beans is hard to beat. And I just sharpened a couple of hatchets. So I'm prepared.
  24. It is rather spooky.
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