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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Same reason I eat anything else. I like it. Not all the time but now and then. About once a summer I get hungry for a braunschwager sandwich with a slice of onion and spicy mustard. Just a for instance.
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Tabasco? Can't you find some decent hot sauce? That stuff is NASTY.
  3. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I've got beanie weenie in the oven. With Johnsonville cheddar sausage and nicely doctored beans. Not bad for a cool Saturday evening with some college ball on the tellie. (channeling my englishter friends right now)
  4. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    You would like it the way I cook it, I just know it. Even my wife does. And she is worse than "Mikey" when it comes to adventurous eating. And about your kidneys experience. All organ meats require proper handling. How do you feel about testicles? Be they beef, pig, turkey or chicken? Prepared well they are excellent. Otherwise and unfit for the dogs.
  5. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    One of the finest things I've ever eaten was deviled lamb's kidneys on toast points in a country pub somewhere in Northern Devon.
  6. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Next up: The liver. Sliced thin, dredged in seasoned flour only and flash fried in bacon grease. Trust me.
  7. You want a motor to hunt C 5. But it used to be by far the best most consistent blind on the area. Been a long time since I've been hunting at Schell. Still they like the middle of the pools the best. Congratulations on a very nice day in the field.
  8. Draw C 5
  9. That left a mark.
  10. I'm 65 and do pretty much what I did when I was 50ish. Plus I've taken up golf this year, and only ever walk. Been very fortunate given my orthopedic history (two back surgeries, seven knee surgeries finally with two new knees, and a rebuilt right shoulder after a fall on the ice). Absent anything drastic, hope to be roughly the same at 75. Staying active really is the key. That and keeping a positive attitude about life in general.
  11. Go easy on yourself. Everybody does their share.
  12. Good coffee
  13. I got the coffee covered. Yes they have coffee makers.
  14. Used to see them more when I lived around Nevada. But still not many. Maybe 10 in my lifetime. They are so cool to put an eye on.
  15. I do. You strike me as the sort of guy who's no stranger to the brig.
  16. Nice job. Any of it coming to jigfest?
  17. The misused pi. Wonder what the back story is on that one.
  18. I got my time off lined up too! I just hope the water quality is good and it's not windy. I am really looking to seeing you and all the rest of the regulars, meeting new folks and generally having a relaxing great weekend. Can't wait, but will. I know Lane wants to see you again too. Did I mention he is graduating in December? He's pretty excited about his work prospects.
  19. We should set up a go fund me page for this project. All about how we help wayward souls deal with addictions and such, get them in touch with nature, provide support groups, feed them, put a roof over their head etc.
  20. I always enjoy your posts RPS. You add lots of flavor to this stew.
  21. Yeah this. But its passing strange there isn't better security.
  22. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Try stuffing the cavity with a ball of sausage and a tablespoon or two of maple syrup.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We're having a Texas style baked sweet potato tonight. What makes it Texas style you might ask. Simple. One sweet potato that's big enough for three people. And about Texas. It's a great state with one big problem. It's full of Texans.
  24. Heartiest congratulations on that nice gar. Did you clean it? I never have but the rumor is they are really good cleaned the right way. Tenderloins if I recall.
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