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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Bureau of Land Management.
  2. I can't help but think five years in the Federal pen for a couple of grassfires is a bit much. Imagine the conversations in the dining hall: "What you in for dog?" "They said I murdered a few people in Boston" "Man that's tough" "How about you?" "They said I kidnapped these women and kept them in my basement for fifteen years" "Hey, what are you two guys in for?" "Arson." "Wow here in the Federal pen, what did you burn down, the White House?" "Nope, range fires" "That's rough man, to get here you must have set a buttload of fires" "Nope, just two" "Two? No freakin' way. They must have been dandies, what, did you burn down half of your state?" "Nope, 139 acres" "darn son, that must have been some kind of valuable 139 acres, did it have some huge butt Sequoias on it or something?" "Nope, tumbleweeds and sagebrush" "You lyin' dog. What did you really do?"
  3. I enjoy fishing too much to get all goal oriented about it. I just want to have some good trips with some good friends and family.
  4. The Jones Dome was horrid. It's a miracle those carpetbaggers lasted as long in St. Louis as they did.
  5. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Duck McNuggets, in mushroom soup over brown rice.
  6. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I had a pig snout sandwich once in East St. Louis. It was fried and was basically the biggest cracklin' you can imagine. Served on white bread with a slice of onion and Maul's BBQ sauce. Maul's for some odd reason is kind of a thing in St. Louis. The sandwich was awful.
  7. D.O. is at or near saturation now according to the Corps website.
  8. They did better early in the day on Friday further upstream. By the time I got on the water around 2:00 ish on Friday it was already very noticeably brown and off colored at Buffalo Shoals. Kind of trashy too, but the real problem was the volume and color (at least in my opinion). And it just got browner and browner over the weekend. Hopefully you will be there next year. We do seem to be able to have a pretty good time. And we eat well too, so we got that going for us.
  9. Just make sure the lake isn't turning over when we have the next one. I think we should all hold you personally responsible for the poor water quality and high generation. Glad we got to fish together, just wish it had been a little better day, then we might have been able to actually recover lost drag chain(s)!. Man , that was some water was it not?
  10. Yeah, we're pretty much tip top. It's good to give others a standard they can aspire to. Seriously, we had a great time. Everyone there is good people, I would trust any and all with my wife, my wallet, my dog or my boat. It doesn't get any better than that in my world. Special thanks to Phil, and he knows why.
  11. Water was worse. We caught fish, but nothing like when conditions are better. 14,000 + CFS and brown = not too hot.
  12. Conditions were even worse today. More flow and more color. Griz and I did one drift at Buffalo Shoal and went home. I still had a great time, the people make the event. And the food. And the music. Plus we got to meet a new good guy too. Welcome to the Jig Fest Eric!
  13. Thanks QB
  14. Will be there Friday afternoon with my boat. See you all then.
  15. Bob is not likely and Lane got a job, but still not sure of his schedule. It will be me for certain and maybe Lane. As soon as I know, I will post up. Bret, take care of your wife. The White River is not going to dry up anytime soon. We will miss you for certain, but family first, last and always.
  16. Good solo canoes are 15' boats. IMHO. Solo for me means day trip and also loaded to overnight.
  17. Oh no 'brer Little Red Fisherman, don't throw me in the crappie patch....
  18. What a bunch of pikers. We're likely to starve to death down there.
  19. Thanks QB
  20. I'll bring a couple of breakfast casseroles, some absolutely killer Jalapeno Cheddar Bratwurst for Saturday and a deer loin or two. Also my usual Apple Crisp.
  21. You're welcome and I also extend the same thanks.
  22. I wrapped a fiberglass canoe around a tree in Center Creek in 1973. Pulled it out of the river with a tractor and a long rope. Popped right back into shape. Patched the fiberglass and used it with no problems for another 8 or 10 years, finally sold it when I could afford an Old Town. It's probably still being used somewhere. Fiberglass is way tough. But not as flexible as the plastic boats so it will hang on rocks in low water more than polyethylene or royalex. The not as flexible is bad in that light, but good in that it does not oilcan (flex in the bottom) like the plastic boats can do so they tend to paddle better. They can also have a much sharper entry line which also contributes to paddling efficiency. You will never see a plastic canoe used by a serious racer or long distance paddler. It will always be Kevlar, which is a lighter and a bit stronger and considerably more expensive variation of fiberglass.
  23. Its a great outing with some of the best people you will ever meet. Don't let griz sell it short. A remarkable time, in a remarkable place, with remarkable people. Truly unforgettable world class great time. If there is any way possible you can show up - just do it. Trust me on that one.
  24. I will be down Friday afternoon, fish then. Saturday too. Go home Sunday mid day. So far Lane is planning on being there too. Bob is iffy due to Mother issues, but still a maybe. If he shows, he can share a bed with griz. Or sleep in the truck or on the floor or wherever.
  25. Use a big enough hook. At least 3/0. Better is 5/0.
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