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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. If there were anything better to wind line on a fixed spool I got to believe some little smart feller in Taiwan would be selling it to us. That's all any spinning reel is at the heart of it. A way to wind line on a stick. A stick made out of aluminum, or maybe graphite or something. Not a complicated thing until you want the thing to work really good and let the stick spin backwards at a controlled rate and the winding mechanism to feel smooth and all that.
  2. One other thing about nanofil. If you do happen to get a wind knot in it, they are a lot easier to get out than monofilament is.
  3. That's what I do too if twist starts to be an issue.
  4. I just bought a Lowrance Elite 7 chirp. Looking forward to learning it.
  5. I'm with you on the rods but not so much on the reels. Not really troubled all that much with line twist and much prefer the comfort and handling of 2000 and 2500 sized reels. I wish I had a religion there. Used to be a Shimano guy but had the binding trouble that so many others complain about so I abandoned them. I've got a couple of Lew's Speed Spins that I like (2000 size), a 2500 Daiwa Exceller that I also like. Recently bought a 2500 size Okuma but haven't fished it yet and also just bought one of the closeout Daiwa Ballistics in 2000 size and haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'm thinking about giving a Pflueger Patriarch a try. Probably also in 2500 size. I understand the Patriarch's are very very light and a quality reel, Brett really likes his Pfluegers and that's a pretty good recommendation in my book.
  6. I'm sure I know that feeling. Love these Ozarks hills and their creeks and what we call rivers around here. Love them.
  7. I know a few former BUDS team members. To a man they are all good people. The kind you like to be around day in and day out.
  8. Sir. The smoking lamp is lit. Aye Aye sir. Tell Saint Peter at the Golden Gate that you hate to make him wait, but you just have to have another cigarette. Aye Aye Sir. At the top of your lungs in a double line outside the boot camp barracks, MCRD San Diego, August 1970. There are a lot more in the memory bank but they are not for this particular website.
  9. That's a heck of a driveway shot. I feel for those folks, that has to be a real pain to deal with.
  10. You came at a good time. Really nice fish, thanks for the photos.
  11. This whole open season on MDC thing needs to stop if you ask me. I'm contacting MY rep and senator right now to that effect. This is what I sent: Dear Representative XXXXX: My name is XXXXX XXXXX and I live at XXXXXXXX XXXXX. I’m an active voter in your district. I’ve been following what seems like open season on the Missouri Department of Conservation at the State Legislature lately. A lot of bills have been introduced that would have the effect of undermining the political and financial independence of the MDC. It’s my opinion that effort is small minded and short sighted to say the least. I urge you to oppose all of those bills. I don’t have a list by number in front of me but I am sure you know what I’m talking about. Many thanks for taking the time to serve in the State Legislature and I hope this communication is helpful to you. Sincerely, XXXXX XXXXX
  12. Lane probably needs one for when he moves to Wyoming.
  13. Bucketmouth is a pretty good description of that fish.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Yowsa! JoeD I never figured you for one of those really open minded types.
  15. Talking strictly about line on spinning reels: Ham got me off 4 lb maxima onto nanofil for casting distance and feel. He is right. I still like 4 lb maxima for leader. Alberto knot which is a PIA to learn but then once you get it you got it. Not as user friendly as spooling up with mono. But still and all, a superior line/leader combination if you are more concerned with catching fish than with convenience. Do not get the low vis nanofil if you want to use a leader. That stuff is hard to see with old eyes. White with mono is tough enough.
  16. Too bad that is sold. Beautiful work sir.
  17. There'll be plenty of time for quitting when you're dead. Until then, hang in there and keep on trying! And my best buddy who's dead now would say to smile while you're doing it.
  18. Pretty much catch one fish at a time regardless of three or five hooks. From where I sit it's a dumb rule. But willing to be educated as to why it makes sense.
  19. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    White bean soup made with a sweet Vidalia onion, a stalk of celery and a cubed ham steak, simmered to tender savory perfection. And a johnny cake, made with raw honey to add that touch of sweetness, done in a hot iron skillet and then oven baked to a golden brown, slathered in fresh creamery butter. With a side of pickled beets. Us poor folks has got poor ways.
  20. I only buy stuff made in the USA Missouri Christian County. Good thing I only buy hay.
  21. Heirloom variety tomatoes can be grown from seed that you save.
  22. I hope none of you self righteous pricks ever get sick or injured.
  23. If you can make me feel like they do, you are in.
  24. I bought two of those in 6'6" for Christmas presents for grandsons. They're nice rods. I think you will be happy.
  25. The best part is I caught one on my very first cast before my buddy could even get his bait wet! Now you're talkin'
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