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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I've cleaned cork grips in the kitchen sink with warm water, Dawn and a scotch Brite sponge. Afterwards, apply a fresh coat of fish slime as a preservative. Eels are best.
  2. I've said many times If WD40 won't fix it, there's something else wrong with it.
  3. My favorite part about this weather is the little ice crystals in the beer I just brought in from the back porch.
  4. Terrierman

    Hot Sauce?

    Made with ripe jalapenos. A favorite.
  5. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    On that note, I have tater tots sprinkled with The Gospel rub going in the oven, Gonna melt some delicious velveeta cheese on them and top with pickled jalapeno slices for the full gourmand experience. Accompanied by chou cuit a la vapeur.
  6. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Went to NYC one time in the late '80's. I didn't care for it at all. The main thing I remember about the trip was eating at Sparks, if that rings a bell for anyone.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Thanks. I think.
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Anytime collagen melts it's good stuff.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Sad. about tossing.
  10. I'm not telling you about my favorite local honest to pedro Mexican restaurant, do not wish to see it gone.
  11. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    A good turkey burger is one of my favorites. Dana's in Branson does a really nice job with them.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Vienna Sausages surely make that cut. Split and fried to go in Ramen is up there.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We had breakfast Monday in a Springfield coffee shop that does breakfast too. I had a gravy boat - two eggs, a biscuit and tater tots covered in sausage gravy. The tater tots were garlic butter of all things! Outstanding.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Tube Steak, grilled over hot applewood coals. Pay special attention to the beautiful maillard reaction. World class eh?
  15. Sadly, I've been cooking for the last several years in a red LaTramontina (Chinese for enameled cast iron) Dutch Oven that came from Wal Mart. The worst part about it is how nice it is to cook in. In fact I brined and then cooked some sweet corn in it today for our brunch.
  16. I just keep thinking about this. For anything other than camp cooking I think an enameled Dutch Oven is the way to go. You can cook anything in it without worrying about seasoning or reacting with chili or anything else that's acidic.
  17. The backflip a little earlier in the video was good too.
  18. That was awesome. Way to go Phil and all who participated for such a good cause.
  19. I've known Sara since the 1980's. Worked her way up from nothing. She is an incredibly smart woman.
  20. You should be MDC director and get that mess straightened out. Can't be any harder than rebuilding a Mercury can it?
  21. My stuff is not all that old or fancy, but it everything is smooth and cooks like a dream. I've said it before and here it is again. I'm a heathen. Dirty cooked in cast iron is soaked with hot water, dawn, scrubbed clean, dried hot and then lightly oiled. Go ahead and hate me but it's my way and it works fine. Try it if you don't believe me. It's the smooth surface that's the deal IMHO.
  22. The one thing you need to be sure of is the surface is not the unfinished rough castiing leftovers. Search until you find what you are looking for with smooth cooking surfaces. New that meets that standard is high priced. I honestly believe you'd be better off finding used, which still won't be what I would call cheap. But worth it. Billethead is the real expert so hear from him first.
  23. I was cold once. I didn't like it.
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