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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. You have to hack ALL of the cameras. Sheesh.
  2. Now that I think about it some more, once you hack those cameras, your problems are over. She'll think you're still just sitting in your chair taking another nap. While really you're in the SUV headed to the river. Won't ever know you got keys in the mail either, just get them while she thinks you're doing something else. No problem since the camera is now your friend.
  3. I'll be there mid-day Thursday and go home Sunday morning. Really looking forward to this, been too long. Got the boat out to check everything over. Good thing too, when I checked the gas tank there was about a cup and a half of gas in it. So it got dumped. Filled tank with fresh gas and did a test run with hose muffs. I am so ready.
  4. Send it to one of your girlfriends and have her bring it over. But first you need to figure out how to hack your cameras. They do it all the time on TV so it can't be very hard. Let us know how it goes.
  5. Good to hear from you Chief!
  6. Dealer can make you a new key with the VIN. Thing is, they'll have to mail it to you. Word to the wise though, when you get your new one, keep it hidden from you know who.
  7. The Nevada people are out. Basketball, work and thinning some does on a lease are in the way. So it's still just me.
  8. Congratulations. I would much rather buy than build in today's world. I think you did quite well. Shell Knob is nice anymore and what a view.
  9. Better yet, get a cart and harness break them. A pair of goats pulling a nice cart with another old goat driving is a guaranteed chick magnet.
  10. We'll all miss you. But most of all we'll miss the cowboy caviar. Get yourself taken care of my friend. I already stole your chili recipe. Wondering if there's even a slim chance that another recipe might come my way? GET WELL
  11. Terrierman


    I think they're the second best team in AFC West. And that makes them a good team. Sure gave the Chiefs all they wanted didn't they?
  12. I may have up to three more from the Nevada crew. Will update when I know for certain.
  13. It's all about habitat now.
  14. Pheasants come to mind. Chukar and grouse are ground nesters. Grouse do roost in trees. Chukar do not.
  15. 20 Gauge Ammo shotgun slug | Cheap 20 Gauge Ammunition shotgun slug - AmmoSeek.com 2022
  16. Terrierman


    Parts of it. They rolled the Vikings in a serious way.
  17. Cool story bro. Congratulations to Kiersten and her dad.
  18. Terrierman


    And what I saw last night did nothing to change my mind. The Chargers are a good team with a good big young quarterback, playing at home and still the Chiefs got it done. They sure are fun to watch!
  19. Who knew we had the last of the good old days. When I was a kid, this time of the year fried quail, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans and some kind of pie for dessert was nothing out of the ordinary - but still special - Sunday dinner. My uncle had a '59 Dodge with those huge fins that he put vents into the trunk for the bird dogs. We would go with him and his cousin and walk for what seemed like forever. But somehow we always made it home for dinner. Those days now seem so far away and gone forever, almost like they never happened. But they did.
  20. When I target blues on Truman this time of year, it's in a cove with the wind blowing in. 20' deep water with bait at 6' and 12' fishing with the noodles for float and a red solo cup full of concrete with a wire loop on top for an anchor. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 oz weight on the dropper to put the bait in the zone. It works. Now and then you can find wipers or whites on the bank in that same cove. Windier and nastier the weather the better.
  21. I hope Bull Shoals gets it done before jigfest. Seems highly possible.
  22. You can but back when there was a lot of multiflora where we hunted, it was an old reliable. Cover and bare dirt under the multiflora is a winning combination.
  23. How do you feel about 12 feet wide multiflora fence rows?
  24. Terrierman


    They sure did. If you need to lay an egg, early season is a good time. Right now today, Friday 11/18/22 @ 12:35 PM, I think they are the best team in the league.
  25. Terrierman


    I was surprised but shouldn't have been when Rodgers turned out to be such a sleaze.
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