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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I'm not Wrench but I can tell you at 60 I still felt pretty tip top but was starting to lose some flexibility. 65 is an age that has so many connotations to it it's hard not to reflect on what you can do now vs then. But overall still pretty good. I'm 70 now and still feel like 16 but those 54 years of experience are starting to take a toll. Old rockin' chair still hasn't got me yet though, and won't without a struggle either. Shoulders and a torn right bicep are the main obstacles for me. And flexibility.
  2. There is such a thing as a standby generator. The automatic propane fired Generac being the best but also most expensive. For a man of your means though, that's a low bar.
  3. Don't get in any bed or chair you can't get out of. Special warning regarding cots. And never ever get down on the floor without a plan on how to get up. These are life skills that are very important to senior citizens.
  4. At least you're still able to get out of bed, get on the internet and share all this with us.🎯
  5. Take the oldest least valuable vehicle and don't leave anything in it you want to keep. Don't even lock the doors - less broken glass that way.
  6. The Finley is still dead low and clear as a bell.
  7. There's silver lining in every cloud and its not hard to find here. Nobody's dead or really in any danger of it, your insurance sounds great, you WILL heal - modern medicine is as close to a miracle as I ever expect to see - and your canoe was in the garage not with you. Keep a positive head and help your son do the same. Get well soon- maybe even in time for this year's jigfest. Best to you and yours.
  8. Not exactly. The attraction is the river. And the operation is more Duck Dynasty than Johnny Morris.
  9. How does it feel to be officially declared expendable?
  10. You'll soon be shooting Doves, then Teal, then Mallards and Gadwalls and Canada Geese. Can you imagine how many hummingbird breasts and legs - remember - waste not, want not - it would take to have a nice hummingbird stir fry?
  11. Wow that's a great one! Good job Bret.
  12. That Canoe better be an ABS Blue Hole or the deal is off! No, seriously you are offering up a steal. Cool deal for sure.
  13. The thread was deleted at the request of the OP. This thread is not open for comments.
  14. Powder Blue #50.😉 Gave it to the grandson's father.🎯
  15. Terrierman


    Two boys and I got up early to beat the crowds. Shoved off from Horse Creek at 6:30 sharp. Nothing else in the parking lot there or down at Cox/Galena. What a relief to go on a float trip that was actually floating not dragging. We caught small brown bass and quite a few goggle eye. I caught one goggle eye that was a thumper - didn't measure but guessed him at close to 10". It got really dark right after we got on the river and I was wondering if I should have brought a rain jacket. But not even a drop. We got to Galena about 11:30. There had to be at least 50 vehicles in the lot then which made me really glad for our early start. We saw one guy solo camping with his dog, and two guys that were camped and that was it for human contact until the end. Springfield Cardinals game last night. It was a Jersey giveaway and most of SGF was there in line for a freebie when we got there just after 5:00 PM. Crazy. Game was rained out in the bottom of the fifth. Man when the squall came through it was something. We were up in the Ridbird Roost so thankfully under roof. Sure didn't have any trouble going to sleep last night. Grandkids and their friends WILL wear you out. Here's your pictures John.
  16. I've shredded zucchini added some diced onion some Lawry's seasoned salt and enough egg and flour to get it to hold together in patties, pan fry them and top with a little shredded cheese. Really good.
  17. That boy of yours looks like they cloned you. Good to hear from you and wish him all the luck in the world.
  18. I saw two young bucks in velvet, three does and two fawns today in a spot I drive by daily that looks a lot like that. Frequently see turkeys there too. It really is a purty place.
  19. And hold a barn raising! Get on this one.
  20. When one activity precludes all others on a given body of water, the offending activity needs to be curtailed. Hope you are feeling very very refreshed. Call me crazy but I feel exactly the same way about street racing.
  21. When you say we don't teach common sense or courtesy in the home anymore, you can't be generalizing can you? Thus, you must be speaking strictly for yourself. And if you're not, I take exception.
  22. Speaking strictly for yourself here, right?
  23. They are harder on chickens than even a professional coon.
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