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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. You can't receive private messages, but there's one ready for you when you can.
  2. I say you need to abide by the forum rules and don't deliberately misspell words to get around the word censor.
  3. You would know. 🎯
  4. fishinwrench has a warning for not one but two deliberately misspelled words to get around the word censor in the same post.
  5. And statisticians. We've got experts here on nearly everything under the sun. Predictable who thinks college is a waste eh?
  6. College does a lot of good things for a lot of people, but a couple of things it doesn't do is instill common sense or a moral compass.
  7. I spent a week in a beachfront campground there a long time ago. It was awesome. Have fun. We're looking for someplace to go too. Never been to Savannah so it's on the radar.
  8. Hope the weather is good for you.
  9. On average, holders of a Bachelor's degree earn just about twice as much over their lifetime as a person with a high school diploma. Unless a person hates having money, it's definitely worth it.
  10. Not sure if anybody has told you yet, but Myrtle Beach is not in Florida.
  11. Not the Keys, I can tell that much. But that leaves quite a bit of Florida....
  12. Does she think reading books is a waste of time and money? I say if you have the time and the money tell her to shove it, I already applied and have been accepted. See you later, I'm moving to the dorm with the rest of the freshmen, someplace where I don't have to burn wood to stay warm, blow leaves or clean deer for the neighbors.
  13. Whiskey likes to go camping. Even if it's just in the backyard to escape the house during that awful covid lockdown. Her two claims to fame are she will steal any bit of food in reach, and for some odd reason, seems to adore me.
  14. Anybody heard what Andy Reid told Mahomes when they had the 13 seconds? It was great: "When things are grim, be the grim reaper. Get out there and do it"
  15. Honesty makes me admit the same thing. But when they got the ball back with 13 seconds I told the people we were watching the game with the Chiefs would win. And by golly!
  16. I've been a Chiefs fan ever since they moved to KC. So I was DEFINITELY wanting to see them win. But total credit to the Bills and especially Josh Allen. We saw what I think are the two best quarterbacks and the two best teams in the NFL in a truly epic game. Could have gone either way for certain. Clean game too. Chiefs had one penalty for 10 yards. And the Bills only had three for 15 yards. Chiefs stand a good chance of winning everything again, but nothing in the NFL is ever guaranteed until the games are over. Last night sure proved that. But if they stay healthy - well, who knows. The Chiefs have a mixed history. After those first glory years with Hank Stram and Len Dawson there were a lot of heartaches and it wasn't always easy to be a Chiefs fan. So it is especially gratifying to see them now, doing what they are with Andy Reid, Mahomes, Tyreek Hill, Travis Kelce and the rest of the crew. GO CHIEFS!
  17. When I was young my mother always drove a Pontiac. First it was Tempests, then Catalina and finally she bought a GTO in 1971. They were great cars, especially that GTO.
  18. I think we just watched a legitimate contender for the greatest NFL game ever played. What a great weekend of football - every game.
  19. Most were for a business that I managed. Bought several Chevy's from a different guy over at Pinegar too. So feel free to chuckle on, since you don't know me from Adam. No introductions unless you ask nicely and then only maybe.
  20. I've bought probably a couple of dozen trucks from the same guy at Tri Lakes in Branson. He tells me what it is going to cost and I buy or not. Zero gamesmanship. That's what relationships can do.
  21. The Old Brick House is a very good and also very old restaurant in Ste. Genevieve. Worth a stop.
  22. Get well soon to all.
  23. Keeps the economy churning.
  24. Finally, a realistic solution.
  25. Remember to take the winter air out when April finally comes. Yet another advantage using pure Nitrogen, no need to rotate your air.
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