We just got back from a trip to Estes Park and RMNP. What an incredibly beautiful area. Elk traffic jams daily in Estes. Trees with branches only on the downwind side. 25 degrees and 50 MPH wind at 12,000 feet. Yet life abounds, even up there. Just a completely different world than down here.
And water. If there's water available, and they want it someplace else, it happens. Even if RMNP is in the way. Huge tunnels take water from the Western Slope to the Front Range, feeding 8 hydro stations and ultimately, the Big Thompson River. Now to me, that's a heck of a testament to the value of water and the ingenuity of mankind in managing it.
There's a similar deal on the Gunnison with a long tunnel carrying irrigation water from a reservoir in the Black Canyon out into what would otherwise be nearly desert. The Gunnison tunnel is old, predating modern surveying and boring equipment. They started at both ends and met nearly perfectly in the middle.
This type of thing will never cease to amaze me.
This is about 11,000' elevation in RMNP overlooking another 17,000 acres of wilderness alpine tundra.