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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. My screen wallpaper is a closeup of a horny head chub head with a reflection of me and the setting sun in the eye. What a day you two had. It is no wonder I love to fish with both of you. You both help me to feel connected. Never change.
  2. You buy that's worth seventeen dead sailors in two planned incidents? And now homicide prosecutions for those on the bridge? #sorrynotme #conspiriacytheorydeluxe
  3. He's a good man from what I can tell. Speaking as a former contractor at several of the properties in SWMO. He does things right and cares about this world more than most really wealthy people. P.S. I'm lucky enough to have had breakfast in that mill, and to have attended events on the grounds. It's quite a spot.
  4. If you think that's bad think about what it's like to ram another ship and kill ten of your crew. On a modern U.S. Navy vessel. And then rinse and repeat. Those guys really do need to go to jail. So does the captain of that big white boat.
  5. Don't listen to him.
  6. That's my kind of catch and release.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Rabbit yes, cavy no. Pisco sours would not be my thing. I had mate once there, and a cocktail that escapes me other than it was good. The mate was mainly just OK to me but can see where it could turn into a thing over time. Thinking about it, bet it would be very difficult to find USDA cavy to serve in your restaurant.
  8. And who doesn't like to clean a cooler full of bluegill and let them have one last swim in Canola Lake?
  9. I'm a hep cat on all kinds of stuff. And that was the kinda question to jag your wire man.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Recommended for sure. Really good food in a cool place.
  11. Terrierman


    You can kill every armadillo you want that's causing damage. Didn't see anything about needing dispensations from the skunk sheriff either. https://mdc.mo.gov/wildlife/nuisance-problem-species/nuisance-native-species/armadillo-control
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Squirrel or rabbit pop up when I google "substitute for guinea pig in Peruvian cuisine" Next time you are in Springfield, go to Café Cusco. Don't leave without at least one bottle of their housemade hot sauce.
  13. Lame? Want to know what's lame? Using lame in a sentence. And what's even lamer is using it in two sentences in a row.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Try Peru. You'll like it.
  15. How come you are such a hep cat on all the illegal stuff anyways? Just askin....
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    And an Old Hickory knife. Nice.
  17. What's wrong with drowning crickets?
  18. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    What a menu! Nice.
  19. I've got a 2017 Dodge with the Cummins motor. After 15,000 miles the tailpipe still looks new. That's clean burning. I breathe this air and so do my kids and grandkids. Anything we can do to slow down how fast we screw up the planet is fine by me.
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm supposed to be on the way to Port A but got delayed. Made egg in the hole for lovey and I. After using the snowblower for the first time ever. In my pajamas! Made me grunt a few times like Tim Taylor. Helpful hint: Leafblower will clean off your car in nothing flat.
  21. That's actually a fairly old river if talking our time scale. On the planetary scale, agree. On the scale of the universe, too small to measure.
  22. I blame public schools.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    There was about a 70 pound yearling that went down earlier this year. Those little veal steaklets dredged and flash fried with mushroom gravy on lumpy mashed potatoes with green beans, onion and butter simmered for about an hour went down fairly easy.
  24. You buy 300 yard spools of line for $300! Honors to you. Honors
  25. Those cats from that part of the country talk different than us normal people. Learned that when I lived there. They don't mean much by it though.
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