I can't help but think five years in the Federal pen for a couple of grassfires is a bit much. Imagine the conversations in the dining hall:
"What you in for dog?" "They said I murdered a few people in Boston" "Man that's tough"
"How about you?" "They said I kidnapped these women and kept them in my basement for fifteen years"
"Hey, what are you two guys in for?" "Arson."
"Wow here in the Federal pen, what did you burn down, the White House?" "Nope, range fires"
"That's rough man, to get here you must have set a buttload of fires" "Nope, just two"
"Two? No freakin' way. They must have been dandies, what, did you burn down half of your state?" "Nope, 139 acres"
"darn son, that must have been some kind of valuable 139 acres, did it have some huge butt Sequoias on it or something?" "Nope, tumbleweeds and sagebrush"
"You lyin' dog. What did you really do?"