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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. True. But he knows he had it coming.
  2. Johnny Cash's Mama told him to always be a good boy and never play with guns. But he shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
  3. I thought we were doing song lyrics featuring advice from Mama. 😎
  4. Mama said a pistol was the Devil's right hand.
  5. I'm glad he's not dead. Younger than me and all that.😎 Get in here oneshot.
  6. I just read about a 5 year old shooting and killing a 3 year old in Minnesota. Cannot imagine how horrible it would have to be to call that into 911. Life changing for sure, and not for the better.
  7. Agree. I do not think I ever suggested that.
  8. Don't get me wrong. I'm about as far from anti-gun as you can get. I just did a mental count and there are four in the house right now. My point, and it IS valid is negligent discharges happen far too often. They almost always involve either a child who gets ahold of a gun when they should not (no excuse for that one - but it happens) an untrained or poorly trained adult, or alcohol. Guns are deadly. That's their whole purpose. Everybody needs to remember that all the time and treat them accordingly.
  9. Sadly, negligent discharges are pretty common.
  10. I hope you bought a pistol safe at the same time. Good luck and be safe.
  11. If I thought I was going to a gunfight I'd go someplace else.
  12. I have serious fumble fingers after the carpal tunnel surgery.
  13. I lived in Spokane then Ozark and worked in and around Branson for about the last 20 years before I retired. No way would I want to actually live in or really close to Branson. I got so tired of driving around down there in town and to the places we took care of it was incredible. I wouldn't even go there for probably the first three years after laying it down. To me it would be like living on The Strip at Lake of the Ozarks. Doing the guide thing might be for you, I really don't know. If you make that plunge, I wish you the very best. The only thing I will suggest from my guided trips experience is provide absolute top shelf equipment. Nice big safe boat, always clean and ready to go. The best fishing equipment and plenty of it. Always on time is a given. But not to all sadly. Good luck with whatever you do.
  14. I'd like to win that.🎯
  15. I've only caught a couple and they were on worms - in the middle of the night like that one. And wow, it's a big one. Time for some unagi. Basically just filleted, cut into chunks and grilled. Then a teriyaki sauce or similar.
  16. If you two guys want to fight, take it someplace else.
  17. Bluegill is hands down my favorite freshwater fish.
  18. Sorry, I do not grieve for mice.
  19. The sticky traps work pretty good too.
  20. Top ad = etsy. Bottom ad = Tackle Warehouse. BIG problems
  21. It is and unlike Al's it came in after I said it was fine to discuss Olympics but not so much the other stuff.
  22. This is your warning.
  23. This is your warning.
  24. Discussing the Olympics is fine. The other stuff not so much.
  25. My kids used to love that place. Very sad to see this.
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