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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Go ahead John, roe of any description is great. Not joking.
  2. 🚫🤢
  3. Big fan of sushi and ceviche. But the line is drawn and channel catfish are on the other side.
  4. So long as you're happy, that's all that really matters.
  5. Aren't you a principal or other admin position? Those are normally better paid than classroom teacher.
  6. Why would anyone want to go on a crap vacation?
  7. Back in the 80's, when Heck was a pup, Lambert was a TWA Hub. I was working for Union Electric and heavily involved in negotiating regulations that affected electric utilities nationwide. Flew to and from D.C. often. Once or twice nearly every week. Sometimes on short notice. Getting to D.C. wasn't usually a problem. Getting back home was a different story. TWA would schedule three to five sometimes six flights out of Reagan back to Lambert. And would just cancel flights willy nilly until they got a more or less full plane.... Buy a ticket for a 4:00 flight and finally get on one leaving at 8:30 happened all the time. That's what made me hate flying long before TSA was a thing. I feel sorry for any business traveler today. At least back then you could still have a beer on a plane.
  8. Looking at that Dutch that's for Erin, mine is more or less a perfect match, though not as old and has the Lodge Lid. They sure look like twins to my amateur eye.
  9. I like and use Cast Iron a lot myself. For skillets I have a #5 Wagner, two #8 Wagner and one #10 Wagner. For Dutch ovens I have a 12" smooth interior three leg no name with a lid for outdoor cooking with coals and a 10" older smooth interior Lodge that's not for cooking with coals. I've been wanting a Chicken Fryer for years. Deep Skillets or Chicken Fryers are NOT easy to find, especially with a lid. For The Milo Person to have that piece (and the lid!) and actually let it go to me is really special. My Daughter In Law gets a spectacular Dutch Oven and Lid. And another dear friend is getting the three skillets. Thanks so much BH. And thanks for taking care of Uncle Odie like you did.
  10. And he's an honest to Pete, no joke expert collector and restorer. Plus a few of us think he's a pretty good guy too.
  11. Giggleguy did. Should have quoted him not you. Will you ever be able to forgive me?
  12. Changing careers usually means taking a big pay cut for a while, plus the cost of retraining.
  13. Working on the stuff they design. Pretty sure they won't design trucks that require pulling the inner fender to change a fuel filter after that. As just one example.
  14. Whoever has the biggest boat, take it.
  15. A lot of young people just are not ready for college straight out of high school. The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was going to USMC instead of college out of high school. Taught me a lot about self discipline, motivated me to not be a common laborer and got me the G.I. bill to help me get through college debt free. I'd like to say I planned it that way but honesty won't let me. Pure luck and hardheaded 18 year old mentality. Had I gone to college straight out high school, 90 to nothing I would have become a dropout. Two years of public service with tuition benefits afterwards would be a federal college tuition assistance program I would 100% support.
  16. It's kind of embarassing to see who the highest paid public employee is in nearly every state.
  17. When you're a self described hammer, nails are practically everywhere.
  18. You're young and it's all you've seen. But that's just not a true statement.
  19. My sympathies.
  20. I might, but I'll never tell....
  21. Wah. The job market now is as good as it has ever been with the right set of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  22. Keep wearing a life jacket is the only comment I could ever possibly add. Wait... No. No way did you build a boat in your living room. Who's house is that?
  23. Happy Father's Day to all my fellow dads out there. Hope you have a great one.😎
  24. You honestly cannot believe that place until you see it. And the outside camo job is just perfect. Looks like some non-descript place where somebody works on boats or cars or something while they're not making crack. It even backs up to the dog pound. Except the yard isn't full of junk boats or cars.
  25. I'll take three. Do you deliver?
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