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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. City boy you and all that.
  2. I wear Keen Newports in the summer. Makes for a very interesting foot tan.
  3. That's what broke me of wearing crocs. Though I did have a pair with actual boat shoe siped rubber soles that were better about that problem. Long gone though.
  4. I like a good Chardonnay. Reds give me Cabernet or Malbec. The old vine Zinfandels can be really tasty too. Not normally a Merlot order or buy person, though that's just me.
  5. And "protection" dogs that aren't well trained are a real pet peeve. Get it? They can be dangerous and sometimes/often are. Read a lot of stories about kids and owners both getting mauled. Want me to google it and post some links?
  6. I like Reisling.
  7. Waterfront lots in Florida Keys go for $2,000,000. Prime ones more. Dang!
  8. Missouri is between Kansas and Maryland. đŸŽ¯
  9. If a battery won't take a charge it should be covered under warranty unless its as old as heck when he was a pup.
  10. I think you should ask your wife what she thinks.
  11. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Correct. And you can toast the bun at the same time.😎
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    When will you be in the area? We'd love to have you here.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    It's not so much what's cooking as how or rather on what... I got this Blackstone flat top grill for my birthday in April. Since then I've learned to absolutely love it. Great fried rice, breakfast of every description - hash browns, bacon, sausage, eggs any way you like them pancakes you name it. Of course great hamburgers and the best quesadilla I've ever made. Heats up fast and is very controllable for different temp on the two sides of the grill that are independently controlled. The front of the grill is never very hot and works well for keeping things warm while cooking something else. Used it this morning for the sausage crumbles and the scrambled eggs while doing the tortillas for breakfast quesadillas. Super easy clean up and cooking is a breeze. Totally non-stick now. It's never had a grill stone on it and I can't see ever needing one. Has a nice water proof cover. I throw a couple of empty cans on the grill before covering to keep the cover from touching the grill and allowing condensation to form and get a little rust going. This is the smaller "portable" model - but I would not want to move it very far without help. Even without the propane tank it's 80+ pounds. Plenty big for us but for a really big crowd the larger 3 burner model might be better. I've always liked cooking outside and this just makes it so much the better. So if any of you good people on here are even considering something like this, I give it a five star recommendation.
  14. Rental Store
  15. If you're worried about potential liability on that property the only answer you can rely on is one you pay a lawyer to give you. And then if he's wrong he's going to share in your liability too. I tried to have a contract prepared once that absolved me of any potential liability, found out (from the lawyer writing the contract for me) there is no such thing as a way to be 100% liability free. But you can get others to share it or insure you on it.
  16. Do they make vise grip tweezers? About the cat. She's ours. Very cool cat. Sticks around outdoors while we're on vacation but does meow a bit too much on our return. Thinking of promoting her to hep cat but across the road neighbor has a really big gray that wears a very hep red collar. Don't want to start any trouble trouble.
  17. Hey Wrench: What length of nasal hair is acceptable before trimming is required? Also, what should I do about that cat? She deserves the promotion but I'm a little worried what the neighbors might say.
  18. Nuclear and Renewable both generate more power than coal fired.
  19. Coal fired generation is less than half of natural gas fired generation.
  20. I like the 0 Heineken.
  21. Mainly to take wives to a fun in the sun place. Will do an inshore guide one day and if we can get our hands on some tackle, fish from shore, wade, pier, you name it. But it really is mainly for the women.😎 There is a tiki bar where we're staying but since you quit drinking that's of no interest to you.☚ī¸
  22. Leaving for Keys Tuesday morning.😎
  23. And here I read this whole post figuring you were going to tell us how you got shot once. ☚ī¸
  24. Sorry man. Old Forrest is just not for sale. I actually use it here and besides, If you got it, I wouldn't be able to gig you anymore about my cool mower. We'll see about the fishing trip - we've got a lot of travel and other things already on the books for spring and summer. But I'd like to do that. And about the liquor - I've forgiven that debt with no hard feelings whatsoever. And plus all that, I just put a new tube in one of the rear tires yesterday. No way am I wasting that effort.
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