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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. We've got at least one that's a regular here too. They are beautiful.
  2. The Chiefs had an unusually high number of just plain old dropped passes too. And like I told my buddy, the referees had a great game.
  3. The O line played like they were second string on the Convent of the Little Sisters of the Poor intramural team.
  4. Bring some kitty litter just in case.
  5. There's always next year.
  6. Those of you who have had the second Pfizer vaccination....did you notice any more severe reaction than you had to the first vaccination? I've only had # 1 and honestly it was a cakewalk. Just a little sore shoulder that was pretty well done by day 3 following the injection. And a little bruising at the site that finally got a little itchy. Other than those mild symptoms, nothing. But I've heard round 2 can be a little different.
  7. You just gave him what he wants. And actually so did I.
  8. Phil's site won't let me talk normal.🥵 But I can probably get away with SFMF!
  9. And then you're gonna repower with a nice Mercury 4 stroke, right?
  10. Your mama is so broke the ducks throw bread at her. And you call yourself an accountant. For shame. In my best Livvie Soprano voice.
  11. And here I thought he played second.
  12. Wait: twelve times twenty seconds equals two hundred and forty seconds. Plus twelve seconds gives a total of two hundred fifty two seconds in a year.
  13. Make him show his work for extra credit.
  14. There's one in every crowd.
  15. Try and get a package of peanuts on a commercial airline.
  16. They're hospital leftovers is all. Relax and have a beer.
  17. I guess I'm normal. That's very reassuring.😎
  18. Never forget what trolls want. And it case I need to remind you in one word I shall. Attention.
  19. He's just trolling. Have a beer and relax and don't fall into his trap.
  20. I've said more than once I think I've made just about every mistake there is. My only real problem is I just keep making my favorite ones again and again.
  21. I know we've crossed swords a time or two. But I want you to know I'm glad you got well. Not everyone did, not by a long shot. Congratulations on having a strong will. Rick/Terrierman
  22. I had early onset. My mother let me spend the night in jail when I was sixteen because I wouldn't STFU and leave when I was told. Then I wrote a song about it - I fought the law and the law won. Which is how I got famous.
  23. I don't really like being told what to do either. But I still stop for red lights, have a driver's license, buy insurance and do a bunch of other things that the man dictates.
  24. Probably a reaction to that microchip that's in the second dose.
  25. How a public health measure has become so politicized is beyond me. Not really, I know how. Of course I wear a mask whenever I go in any public place. It's easy, the data shows they work so why not?
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